Tag Archives: blog8

Dark Matter

In the early 1990’s, astronomers hypothesized that as the universe grew in size gravity would eventually slow down the expansion process as time progressed. Further research showed that the universe’s expansion rate is actually accelerating, and this prompted researchers to look into Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Research found that Dark Energy composes approximately 68% … Continue reading Dark Matter Continue reading

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On This Day in Astronomy History…

  On April 27th, 1961, fifty-seven years ago, NASA launched Explorer 11 into space. This satellite held the first gamma-ray telescope to go into space. Gamma rays are the wavelength of light with the highest energy levels. These wavelengths can originate from sources such as supernova explosions, supermassive blackholes, and solar flares. While scientists had […] Continue reading

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White Holes

You’ve heard of black holes, right? Well, how about white holes? White holes are theoretically the exact opposite of black hole, and scientists think that they could make up a large portion of the dark matter in the universe. Where nothing can escape a black hole’s event horizon, nothing can enter a white hole’s. It … Continue reading White Holes Continue reading

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Lyft Making a Transition to Carbon-Neutral rides

Since the inception of ride share companies like Uber and Lyft, environmental critics have argued that these companies simply put more cars on the road, leading to increased carbon in the atmosphere. They claim that this would lead to greater air pollution. Also, many complained that an increase in these services would lessen the amount … Continue reading Lyft Making a Transition to Carbon-Neutral rides Continue reading

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The End

I n Astro 2110, we have looked at every from the birth of the universe to possibility of life outside of our own solar system. It has been an interesting journey, and since this class is coming to end I figure we take a moment to look at how the universe itself will die. Like … Continue reading The End Continue reading

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The aliens in Starcraft.

When it comes to how creative and bright people are at imagining aliens in the universe, some people would think of Star Trek, Star Wars, and Alien: Covenant. In these creative movies, some aliens are portrayed as gross, primitive monsters that kill and eat humans while others are portrayed as friendly, intelligent creatures. About 20 years ago, … Continue reading The aliens in Starcraft. Continue reading

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The aliens in Starcraft.

When it comes to how creative and bright people are at imagining aliens in the universe, some people would think of Star Trek, Star Wars, and Alien: Covenant. In these creative movies, some aliens are portrayed as gross, primitive monsters that kill and eat humans while others are portrayed as friendly, intelligent creatures. About 20 years ago, … Continue reading The aliens in Starcraft. Continue reading

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Blog 8: In Space Manufacturing

Over the past two semesters I have been working on an engineering senior design project. My team and I have been working for the Marshall Space Flight Center on one of NASA’s ongoing missions to develop in space manufacturing capabilities. The International Space Station currently houses approximately 29,000 pounds of spares in storage. Historically, 95% … Continue reading Blog 8: In Space Manufacturing Continue reading

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Our Solar System– On Earth

Two weeks ago, I was in Gainesville, Florida when I saw the solar system pass me by as I drove down the street. I was so excited to spot a solar system model because I thought the only model that existed in the country was at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Spotting this solar … Continue reading Our Solar System– On Earth Continue reading

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Our Solar System– On Earth

Two weeks ago, I was in Gainesville, Florida when I saw the solar system pass me by as I drove down the street. I was so excited to spot a solar system model because I thought the only model that existed in the country was at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Spotting this solar … Continue reading Our Solar System– On Earth Continue reading

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