Tag Archives: blog9

The Fermi Paradox

The galaxy is a pretty big place.  With around 400 billion stars, it seems very likely that some of those stars have planets that can support life, that some of those planets have intelligent life, and maybe some of that intelligent life becomes space-faring.  Even if we say the chance of a star having a […] Continue reading

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UK Astrobiolgy Centre Searching For Life In Space

The UK atrobiology centre is seeking life outside of earth. The astrobiology field is still developing because we have not found any life forms of any kind outside of earth. But the UK centre is determined to succeed. They believe that Mars has a high probability of containing life. However, the surface of mars is […] Continue reading

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Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox is something I had thought about before even discovering that it had a name.  If there is so much alien life out there, then why haven’t we […] Continue reading

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Solving a ‘Universal’ Delimma

For those of you who are not familiar with the Fermi Paradox, it is “the apparent contradiction between the high probability extraterrestrial civilizations’ existence, and the lack of contact with such civilizations”.  There are many people out there convinced that life on other worlds doesn’t exist, but let me ask you this: what makes us […] Continue reading

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3 Prime Locations for Life

Scientists recently announced that Kepler has found 3 exoplanets that are our best bet for finding life outside the solar system. These three planets – Kepler62e, Kepler 62f, and Kepler 69c – are the smallest to be discovered within the habitable zone, meaning that liquid water could potentially exist on any or all of them. And […] Continue reading

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On the Hunt

During class recently we have been talking a lot about the Drake Equation and extraterrestrial life. Tying all of the various topics that we have discussed together has been this concept of “astrobiology.” Class over the past couple weeks was the first time that I had ever heard the term astrobiology (that could be my […] Continue reading

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Blog #9: Alien Life?

  Last year the Discovery Channel started a new show titled, “Curiosity” which examined what it would be like if advanced life, such as aliens, were to attack our Earth.  In this clip, physicist Dr. Michi Kaku discusses what our … Continue reading Continue reading

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