Tag Archives: blog9

Voyager: Message in a Bottle

Voyager I and Voyager II were launched from Earth towards the outskirts of the Solar System in 1977. Each was sent for exploration. They have taken many beautiful pictures of planets we had never seen up close. Also, on each satellite was a golden record. This record contained a representation of all of mankind, all of […] Continue reading

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How Do They Do It?

In nearly every environment on Earth, there is some form of life. Many of these environments are quite hostile to most forms of life, but some are able to make them into a perfectly suitable home. Such locations could be deep underground in mine shafts, or near vents on the ocean floor, or even inside […] Continue reading

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The Drake Equation

The Drake Equation by XKCD The Drake Equation allows us to predict the amount of communicative extraterrestrial civilizations.  In 1961, Frank Drake proposed this equation to “guestimate” the possibility of life.  The equation includes factors such as the number of planets that could support life, the fraction of those with the ability to create intelligent… Continue reading

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As their name suggests, extremophiles are organisms that mostly dwell at the microscopic level and thrive in harsh conditions. Extremophiles can survive where other life cannot, and because they are so robust can endure even under the most stressful conditions. After learning about extremophiles in class, I wanted to research specific extremophiles found here on… Continue reading

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Arctic Lake Extremophiles

We have been learning a lot about extremophiles and whether they would be able to survive on other worlds, specifically within out solar system. I found an article on Wired that pointed to a discovery of microbes in a brine lake located beneath 65 feet of ice in Antarctica. This extremophile had to survive in […] Continue reading

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Extremophiles on Earth

Extremophiles are life forms that can tolerate extreme conditions. They are found in exotic environments all over Earth, such as deep sea vents, the upper atmosphere, and boiling hot geysers, such as those in Yellowstone National Park. Many astrobiologists believe that extremophiles represent the most likely type of life to exist on other planets. In … Continue reading Extremophiles on Earth Continue reading

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This video discusses what the toughest animal on Earth is. It as interesting to me that while I imagined a big animal like a lion, they determined that the toughest animal is a tardigrade, a type of extremophile. These animals are able to withstand the greatest temperatures and pressures on Earth as well as the … Continue reading Tardigrades Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox points out the issues with the expected number of predicted civilizations in the galaxy and the lack of interaction that mankind has had with them. It points out that the Sun is a young star and that many other star systems have had the time and conditions to bring about a civilization. […] Continue reading

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Extraterrestrial Detection

Perplexed by the lack of communication by extraterrestrial beings, Freeman Dyson proposed a new tool for searching for intelligent life. …

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Where are they?

Ever since human beings have been aware of our place in the universe, we have been searching for signs of extraterrestrial life, specifically intelligent life. However, despite our best efforts and certainty that it is unlikely that we are alone in the galaxy, we still find ourselves asking: “Where are they?” With modern scientific knowledge, … Continue reading Where are they? Continue reading

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