Tag Archives: aristotle

Our Place in the Universe

How did you first picture the universe? Before being taught in school or at home what the universe was like, we often start to wonder about the world around us. This phase in a child’s life often leads to parents being questioned about almost everything. Questions range from why the sky is blue, why isContinue reading “Our Place in the Universe” Continue reading

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Saving the Appearances

Strict Aristotelian cosmology follows that all bodies are made of the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. These four exist in the terrestrial realm and the stars exist in the celestial realm. A fifth element, aether, exists there and that is what heavenly bodies are composed of. Aristotle provided the basics of the physics … Continue reading Saving the Appearances Continue reading

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Let’s just go back to the good old Greek days

Whilst it is true we have a lot more to discover about the Universe, we have dramatically increased the knowledge we have on the Universe in recent times. Indeed, just my astronomy textbook is about 750 pages. All this learning, yet we can never know enough about the Universe. It just makes me think sometimes, […] Continue reading

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Aether And The Celestial Region

  Picture Source Aristotle accepted the ideas of fire, air, earth, and water. He claimed them to be terrestrial elements due to their variable nature. These elements could be broken […] Continue reading

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