Tag Archives: astro201

When Will The Next Impact Be?

The Chelyabinsk Meteor as seen by person driving a car right during explosion I watched another video and decided to watch one on the extinction of the dinosaurs. The video is very short and not absolutely thrilling but as I was watching the beginning of the video I thought to myself what if that was… Continue reading

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The Earth With No Moon

This video, though it is 8 minutes, is fascinating. Its main focus is what the Earth would be like without the Moon. The most surprising thing I got from this was that humans would probably not exist because they would not be able to withstand the extreme conditions that the Earth would experience without the… Continue reading

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White Dwarf- A Large Piece of Condensed Diamond

We have leant in the class that our Sun is going to become a white dwarf at the end of its life. We also already know that the Sun is now fuse hydrogen into helium during its main sequence stage which may last for ten billion years. After the Sun has fused all hydrogen in … Continue reading White Dwarf- A Large Piece of Condensed Diamond Continue reading

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The Discovery of Neptune

The history of the discovery of Neptune was rather dramatic. Neptune is sooooo far away from Earth so it is almost impossible to see it with naked eye, even with low-power telescope. On Dec. 28th, 1612 Galileo became the first one who found Neptune and actually described his discovery in his research draft. However, at … Continue reading The Discovery of Neptune Continue reading

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Explore Vesta with Vesta Trek

Today, NASA released Vesta Trek, a free web-based application that provides a detailed visualization of Vesta, one of the largest asteroids in the Solar System. This was made possible by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, which studied Vesta from July 2011 to September 2012. This application includes interactive maps, the ability to print Vesta in a 3-D printer, […] Continue reading

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United States Space Force

It’s actually called the Air Force Space Command, and it has its headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. Space Command is relatively new, and the programs it has consolidated and eradicated to get to this point is impressive and a bit dizzying, but I think important to understand how the Air Force came to […] Continue reading

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Mercurial Art

“It appears that Mercury may well be a painted planet,” said Prof Peter Schultz, a co-author from Brown University. Mercury’s dull surface has long been a point of perplexion in the field of planetary geology. Scientists have thought that there must be a mystery darkening agent contributing to the planet’s low reflectance. A new study has given […] Continue reading

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The Goldilocks Zone: Not as elusive as previously thought?

New research from the Australian National University and the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen has calculated that billions of the milky Way star’s have one to three planets in the habitable zone (or nicknamed: “The Goldilocks Zone” because…

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Solar Eclipse

Today, residents of Europe got to see something truly spectacular. In the early morning hours, a solar eclipse occurred (a total solar eclipse was viewed by residents of islands in the far North of Europe). This eclipse coincided with the Spring equinox (which occurs on the first day of Spring) as well as a Supermoon, which… Continue reading

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Climate Change

Today, one of the most pressing issues in society is climate change. The Earth, due to pollution and the ensuing increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, is experiencing global warming. Average temperatures around the globe have increased a few degrees Celsius in the past few decades. While that may not seem like a lot,… Continue reading

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