Tag Archives: astro201

Historical Astronomers in Context: Nicolaus Copernicus

My chosen astronomer to research is Nicolaus Copernicus (born: Feb. 19, 1473. died: May, 24, 1543.) Nicolaus Copernicus hypothesized that the Sun …

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Newton is the OG(t): Original Gravitational theorist

Einstein might have stolen his thunder, but Isaac Newton (1643-1727 Source  )  is still one of the most influential characters in the history of Astronomy. He lived in an interesting time as well, living through the Great Plague   in 1665, which was the final outbreak of the Bubonic Plague in popular history. Additionally, the  Annexation of … Continue reading Newton is the OG(t): Original Gravitational theorist Continue reading

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Histocial Astronomers in Context

Name Birth Death Nicolaus Copernicus 2/19/1473 5/24/1543 Johannes Kepler 12/27/1571 11/15/1630 Tycho Brahe 12/14/1546 10/24/1601 Galileo Galilei 2/15/1564 1/8/1642 Isaac Newton 1/4/1643 3/31/1727 Kepler, Brahe and Galileo all lived around the same time although Brahe was one generation removed from the other two. Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish mathematician and astronomer who lived and worked […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicholas Copernicus was born February 19, 1473 and died May 24, 1543. Galileo Galilei was born February 15, 1566 and died January 8, 1642. Johannes Kepler was born December 27, 1571 and died November 15, 1630. Isaac Newton was born December 25, 1642 and died March 20, 1726. Tycho Brahe was born December 14, 1546 […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

The astronomer I choose is Galileo Galilei. Galileo was extremely important to astronomy for numerous reasons, but one of them is through his improvements to the telescope. Another reason he is extremely important to astronomy is through his observations with the telescope. Known as father of modern observational astronomy. The two historical events I choose […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context: Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was born on December 27, 1571 and died on November 15, 1630. Galileo Galilei made multiple achievements. He has been called the father of modern observational astronomy and played a major role in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance. Galileo came up with the concept of heliocentrism which was viewed with much controversy […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in context

Johannes Kepler Born December 27, 1571 and died November 15, 1630, Kepler was a German Astronomer, mathematician, and Astrologer. Most famous for his laws of planetary motion, he was an adamant defender of the heliocentric theory and his research showed that orbital paths of celestial objects are not perfect circles.  During his lifetime On 26 July 1581, The Act … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in context Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in context

Johannes Kepler Born December 27, 1571 and died November 15, 1630, Kepler was a German Astronomer, mathematician, and Astrologer. Most famous for his laws of planetary motion, he was an adamant defender of the heliocentric theory and his research showed that orbital paths of celestial objects are not perfect circles.  During his lifetime On 26 July 1581, The Act … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in context Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context: Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)

a) Tycho Brahe Born: December 14, 1546 Died: October 24, 1601 b) Tycho Brahe lived at the same time as Johannes …

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Galileo in Context

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Galileo Galilei was born into an era where the Aristotelian notion of a perfect universe dominated astronomic thought and the Roman Catholic Church dominated all knowledge. Rather than fall prey to these traditional views of the universe, Galileo was a scientific pioneer that would pave the way to a picture of the […] Continue reading

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