Tag Archives: astro201

The “Dude” of Astronomy

Galileo Galilei (Feb 15, 1564 – Jan 18, 1642 ): is considered the Father of Astronomy. He also believed in a heliocentric universe and was forced to take back his beliefs. He also developed a telescope allowing him to view and observe planets more closely. He made major discoveries through this technology such as the… Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton (December 25, 1642 – March 31, 1727) When Newton was around 23 years old, the last major epidemic of Bubonic Plague in England took place, known as the “Great Plague of London.” Also, when Newton was a teenager, the Wars of the Three Kingdoms were taking place, with the conflict in Scotland having a… Continue reading

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Astronomy and Religion in Germany: The Story of Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Johannes Kepler’s work began when he apprenticed for Tycho Brahe in the year preceding Tycho’s death. Kepler …

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Explore the Celestial Sphere with Star Chart!

It is a great experience to learn about the changing map of the sky; it is a more amazing experience to actually gaze at the stars and be able to relate to the knowledge of the cosmos. Unfortunately, not all of us reside in a location untainted by light pollution or by smog; a clear starry night sky […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473- May 24, 1543) was extremely important to astronomy because he was the first person to publish a model of the universe with the Sun in the middle rather than the Earth. This went against everything everyone had ever believed up until this point and many people thought he was crazy. However, this publication then […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo’s (1564-1642)  importance in astronomy lies in his solidification of the Copernican revolution by answering all three basic objections that were rooted in Aristotelian physics and ancient Greek beliefs. First, through experimentation, Galileo showed that an object in motion stays in motion unless a force acts to stop it, which explains why objects that share […] Continue reading

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Johannes Kepler in Context

Johannes Kepler (December 27, 1571-November 15, 1630) Johannes Kepler contributed significantly to the world of astronomy by finally proving that planetary orbits were not perfect circles, but ellipses. Up until his time, all astronomers insisted that the planets orbits be perfect circles because everything in the universe was created by God, and God was perfect.… Continue reading Johannes Kepler in Context Continue reading

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Great events and figure in the time of Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726/7(due to different calendars) What happened during Newton’s lifetime? 1. English Revolution It was a bourgeois revolution, during which the bourgeois destroyed the last feudalism in Britain, bringing democratic ideas to people. 2. Glorious Revolution This revolution was the overthrow of King James and his policies of religious… Continue reading

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What happend while Galileo Galilei was alive?

– Galileo Galilei 15 Feb. 1564 — 8 Jan. 1642 Galileo Galilei lived a pretty long life. So what happened during that time period? 1). Under the rule of Suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman Empire achieved its peak for ruling Middle East, East Europe and North Africa, controlling the land merchant way between Europe and Asia. … Continue reading What happend while Galileo Galilei was alive? Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context: Isaac Newton

Major Contributions: Isaac Newton (1642 – 1726) established the most basic principles used in physics and astronomy. He is known for developing the idea of gravity and transposing the micro events occurring on Earth to the macro motion of celestial bodies like the Moon. He realized that the reason why objects fall on Earth has to […] Continue reading

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