Tag Archives: astro201

Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei: 2/15/1564- 1/8/1642 Brief Profile Galilei is known as the “father of science” as well as the “father of modern physics”. He discovered the different phases of Venus via a telescope and also discovered for moons that orbited around Jupiter. Galilei also spent time studying the Sun, in particular he looked at sunspots and […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler is arguably one of the most important astronomers in history.  Kepler was born on December 27, 1571 and died on November 15, 1630.  During his lifetime he was an apprentice to the famous astronomer Tycho Brahe, continuing Brahe’s work after his death. During this time Kepler developed his three laws of planetary motion, […] Continue reading

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Zodiac Signs

Hi! Have you ever opened a newspaper or magazine, and seen an astrology page showing horoscopes for people with different zodiac signs? Zodiac signs are twelve signs ( Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn) that correspond to roughly a month a year. The signs were named for the 12… Continue reading

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The Vast Size and Scale of the Universe

Hello! The world may seem so large, but when you look at the size of the Earth compared to the Universe, it is actually very small. The Earth represents only a tiny fraction of our Solar System and galaxy. When you consider that the Milky Way Galaxy is an astronomically small portion of the entire… Continue reading

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A Ghostly Eclispse?

This week, people have noticed that there was a very odd appearance that made the moon look different. They noticed that there was a very slim crescent moon that also shows the black silhouette of the rest of the moon. Although it does look like a eclipse, experts have weighed in and determined this phenomenon […] Continue reading

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Biggest Thing in Universe

Things in the universe comes in all shapes and sizes, there are planets thirty times heavier than Jupiter, stars thousands of times larger than our sun, galaxies millions of light years wide… However, what is the largest object in the universe? For a long time the answer used to be the Sloan Great Wall – a cosmic structure formed … Continue reading Biggest Thing in Universe Continue reading

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Biggest Thing in Universe

Things in the universe comes in all shapes and sizes, there are planets thirty times heavier than Jupiter, stars thousands of times larger than our sun, galaxies millions of light years wide… However, what is the largest object in the universe? For a long time the answer used to be the Sloan Great Wall – a cosmic structure formed … Continue reading Biggest Thing in Universe Continue reading

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The Search for Habitable Exoplanets

Earlier this month, the Kepler space telescope spotted three planets of Earth-like size orbiting in a nearby star’s “habitable zone,” or the area around the star in which water could exist in liquid form on a planet’s surface. However, the planets they found, along with the other 26 Earth-like exoplanets found thus far, do not […] Continue reading

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Skysafari3-Very cool app

Skysafari3 three is an app similar to Stellarium but it can be used on your phone and iPad as well. It is also much easier to use and the pictures of the sky that can be viewed on it make the sky look a lot more beautiful than with Stellarium. You can use your current… Continue reading

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Are We Always Living in the Past?

It takes light time to travel any distance. It takes light one-second to travel to Earth from the Moon, and about 8 minutes for light to reach Earth from the Sun (Bennett). So really when we look up at the moon, we are seeing the Moon one-second ago, and when we first see the sun… Continue reading

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