Tag Archives: astro201

Arctic Lake Extremophiles

We have been learning a lot about extremophiles and whether they would be able to survive on other worlds, specifically within out solar system. I found an article on Wired that pointed to a discovery of microbes in a brine lake located beneath 65 feet of ice in Antarctica. This extremophile had to survive in […] Continue reading

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Extremophiles on Earth

Extremophiles are life forms that can tolerate extreme conditions. They are found in exotic environments all over Earth, such as deep sea vents, the upper atmosphere, and boiling hot geysers, such as those in Yellowstone National Park. Many astrobiologists believe that extremophiles represent the most likely type of life to exist on other planets. In … Continue reading Extremophiles on Earth Continue reading

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The Most Astounding Fact

This has always been one of my favorite videos. It always make me think about how transient life is and what the important things in life are. It is so fascinating to think that the atoms that make up who I am and everything around me originated from the beginning of the universe and have … Continue reading The Most Astounding Fact Continue reading

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This video discusses what the toughest animal on Earth is. It as interesting to me that while I imagined a big animal like a lion, they determined that the toughest animal is a tardigrade, a type of extremophile. These animals are able to withstand the greatest temperatures and pressures on Earth as well as the … Continue reading Tardigrades Continue reading

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The Future of Astronomy

The future of astronomy lies in finding or making worlds habitable for people. While we are learning so much about the universe around us, the things that people seem to care about are aliens and space colonization. This is why I feel that resuming space travel is crucial to reviving public interest in astronomy. While […] Continue reading

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What’s in store for the future?

The field of astronomy is fascinating; there is much that we have yet to learn. This semester in Astro 201 …

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My Big Takeaway

Astronomy has taught me a lot of stuff about the universe that I didn’t know. What I will remember learning though is the size of our earth. Relative to our Sun, we are quite small. Relative to our solar system, we are barely visible, and relative to our galaxy, earth is nothing. The lesson is that … Continue reading My Big Takeaway Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox points out the issues with the expected number of predicted civilizations in the galaxy and the lack of interaction that mankind has had with them. It points out that the Sun is a young star and that many other star systems have had the time and conditions to bring about a civilization. […] Continue reading

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Extraterrestrial Detection

Perplexed by the lack of communication by extraterrestrial beings, Freeman Dyson proposed a new tool for searching for intelligent life. …

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Where are they?

Ever since human beings have been aware of our place in the universe, we have been searching for signs of extraterrestrial life, specifically intelligent life. However, despite our best efforts and certainty that it is unlikely that we are alone in the galaxy, we still find ourselves asking: “Where are they?” With modern scientific knowledge, … Continue reading Where are they? Continue reading

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