Tag Archives: astro201

Are We Alone?

The famous science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke was quoted as saying, “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” A truer statement is hard to come by. Yet quote also sparks tremendous debate and intrigue among those whose ears come across it for the … Continue reading Are We Alone? Continue reading

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What is Next?

Learning about the solar system and our entire universe has made me more curious about astronomy. At the beginning of the semester, I had trouble wrapping my head around the vastness of the universe. The number of stars, planets, and galaxies is unbelievable, especially because there is still so much that we don’t know. Although […] Continue reading

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Another Earth?

One of the biggest questions we have grappled with in the latter portion of class is whether or not there are any earth-like planets. Well, we now have a planet that may be quite similar to Earth. This has been given the name Kepler-186f. It is the same size as Earth, and has temperatures that […] Continue reading

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You live where?!?!

    Extremophiles are organisms that live under extreme conditions. There are several different categories for extremophiles, but the category I find most fascinating are extremophiles. Can you imagine living in an environment that is over 250 degrees Fahrenheit? I cannot. However, these organisms can. These organisms were discovered at Yellowstone National Park in 1966. […] Continue reading

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Technology in Astronomy

On of the most interesting parts of taking astronomy has been learning about current and future technology that can be used to observe the universe. Probably the coolest example is technology that could make interstellar travel possible. Such a thing isn’t feasible in the near future, but just knowing it is conceptually possible is mind […] Continue reading

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The presence of extremophiles makes the possibility of life off Earth way more likely. In our solar system alone, there are many places humans could not live but extremophiles could. Even on Venus it is possible that extremophiles could live in the upper atmosphere (though that’s about it for Venus). Unfortunately, finding life in the […] Continue reading

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My Changing Perspective of the Universe

Image Source Prior to my enrollment in this class, I rarely thought about the Universe around me. Furthermore, I never truly comprehended the vastness of the Universe. In fact, although I do have a better understanding about the immense size of the cosmos, I feel as though I still cannot fathom the true size of […] Continue reading

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SETI Institute

The existence of life outside of planet Earth is one of the greatest mysteries, but the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute is trying to solve it. Given our understanding about life and the vastness of the universe, it is not unreasonable to believe that there is life out there somewhere. So far, scientists have […] Continue reading

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New Zealanders

Picture from here. Improvise, adapt, and overcome. That’s what the Marines say. That’s what Life does, when you put it under extreme circumstances. The Anglerfish is one example of this adaptation and in this post, I’d like to take a look at some much simpler examples known as extremophiles. My parents recently took a trip … Continue reading New Zealanders Continue reading

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The Fabric of Time

  Einstein In later years of Einstein’s life he decided that the evolution of three-dimensional existence is flawed, and that …

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