Tag Archives: astro201

Bussard Ramjet: Interstellar Travel

Interstellar Travel Ramjet Interstellar travel is travel between stars. Interstellar travel is much more difficult than interplanetary travel because of …

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Observing the Solar System

I took this class because I wanted to learn more about the solar system.  Growing up, I really enjoyed learning about the planets and stars.  One of my favorite parts of the class was the observing.  I was able to see the difference between a red-shifted and blue-shifted star which before this class I wouldn’t […] Continue reading

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The idea that there is life that does not live and survive the way we do is very interesting.  I think humans have come up with an idea of what they are looking for when defining “life.” Yet, these extremophiles prove many of these ideas wrong.  They live in places humans never could survive but […] Continue reading

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Looking Forward

This class has taught me to never doubt human innovation.  Man has been looking to the stars since the beginning and the milestones we have made over the centuries are astounding.  Ancient peoples figured out orbital speeds and distances of the planets by just observing the night sky, and nowadays, we have traversed open space […] Continue reading

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Ammonia Aliens

When we look for planets that harbor alien life, we usually are searching for planets within the habitability zone around their stars.  This habitability zone really is just where the temperature is just right for liquid water to exist.  All life on Earth uses water as the solvent for the reactions of life, so it […] Continue reading

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The Solar System is in us

The solar system is an amazing place filled with a vast spectrum of unique objects, and the most notable of them all is us. We and everything else in the solar system are comprised of the same materials that came from the same place, but only we have grown and developed to appreciate that fact. […] Continue reading

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Thermococcus gammatolerans: The “hottest” thing alive

This rare microbe is the most radiation resistant organism known to man. Discovered in 2003 living inside of a hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the pacific ocean off the coast of California, this little guy is capable of withstanding over 30,000 grays (a Gray is the absorption of one joule of such energy by […] Continue reading

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Extremophiles Aiding the Search For Extraterrestrial Life

Image Source About six months ago, scientists retrieved samples of water that are nearly two billion years old from the depths of a mine in Timmins, Ontario. They are now attempting to determine whether or not any life exists within the liquid. If in fact lifeforms are present within the water, this would be yet […] Continue reading

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The Future Looks Bright

<Video from post from here> Around a century ago, humanity thought we had finally conquered the final frontier – Antarctica. It was quite unfathomable for many to think that we could ever leave the confines of Earth, but within a matter of three and a half decades we succeeded in building the first aircraft, retrofitting … Continue reading The Future Looks Bright Continue reading

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Lovers of the Extreme

<Image from this post from here> The discovery of extremophiles within the last few decades has expanded the amount of worlds viable for some sort of life, and has greatly increased the chance of life being found elsewhere within our galaxy, let alone our own solar system.  Extremophiles are microorganisms on Earth that live, and … Continue reading Lovers of the Extreme Continue reading

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