Tag Archives: blog1

Time Travel

Time travel has always been intriguing to me. Right now, the only way it seems possible is through relativity. That is, when we go fast enough (at a speed approaching the speed of light), time around us actually slows down. This would mean that we could travel into the future, but with that method, there … Continue reading Time Travel Continue reading

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Time Travel

Time travel has always been intriguing to me. Right now, the only way it seems possible is through relativity. That is, when we go fast enough (at a speed approaching the speed of light), time around us actually slows down. This would mean that we could travel into the future, but with that method, there … Continue reading Time Travel Continue reading

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What’s Your Sign?

Ok… I’ll admit when I was younger I was really into astrology. It was a fascination fed partly by my mom, who kept around a copy of “The Secret Language of Birthdays” and would consult it regularly, nodding in solemn agreement with the book’s judgement of character. I had a horoscope app on my first […] Continue reading

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The Universe in Dots

Let’s say the average human has a lifespan of 80 years. To make it a little easier on our calculations, we’ll bump it up to 100 years. Let’s represent that as a dot. The species Homo Sapiens has been around for roughly 200,000 years. If the human lifespan is shown as a single dot, the […] Continue reading

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The Universe in Dots

Let’s say the average human has a lifespan of 80 years. To make it a little easier on our calculations, we’ll bump it up to 100 years. Let’s represent that as a dot. The species Homo Sapiens has been around for roughly 200,000 years. If the human lifespan is shown as a single dot, the […] Continue reading

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The Incredible Scale of the Universe

There’s really no other way to phrase it: the universe is enormous. With our current level of technology, it might as well be an infinite space, but there is a limit to our universe. Our best guess as to the size of the universe right now is that the universe is around 93 billion light … Continue reading The Incredible Scale of the Universe Continue reading

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The Incredible Scale of the Universe

There’s really no other way to phrase it: the universe is enormous. With our current level of technology, it might as well be an infinite space, but there is a limit to our universe. Our best guess as to the size of the universe right now is that the universe is around 93 billion light … Continue reading The Incredible Scale of the Universe Continue reading

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Known most for bringing philosophy to Athens before the era of Socrates, Anaxagoras is recognized as the first person in history to correctly explain eclipses. He claimed that material variation was caused by relative preponderance over other ingredients, explaining how change could occur in the pre-Socratic era. Before him, there stands no record of anybody … Continue reading Anaxagoras Continue reading

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Known most for bringing philosophy to Athens before the era of Socrates, Anaxagoras is recognized as the first person in history to correctly explain eclipses. He claimed that material variation was caused by relative preponderance over other ingredients, explaining how change could occur in the pre-Socratic era. Before him, there stands no record of anybody … Continue reading Anaxagoras Continue reading

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Every Once in A “Purple” Moon

At the end of this month, on January 31st, we will be oh so lucky enough to witness several lunar events happening at the same time. The… Read more “Every Once in A “Purple” Moon” Continue reading

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