Tag Archives: blog1


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C Clarke’s third law. I stumbled on a little thing I had posted some time ago, early in September when friendships were still tentative and the air was still crisp. -We spent the weekend in a cabin four dirt trails off the everyday. At night we cracked open … Continue reading magic Continue reading

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The Cosmic Calendar

If you ever feel old, take a quick look at the cosmic calendar. We are young. Very young. Even our grandparents and young. You may disagree with me- but allow me to explain. The cosmic calendar puts everything that has happened in the history of our universe onto a gregorian calendar (what we use today). […] Continue reading

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The Cosmic Calendar

If you ever feel old, take a quick look at the cosmic calendar. We are young. Very young. Even our grandparents and young. You may disagree with me- but allow me to explain. The cosmic calendar puts everything that has happened in the history of our universe onto a gregorian calendar (what we use today). […] Continue reading

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Life as a .05 Second Year-Old

In the novel, In Desert and Wilderness, Henryk Sienkiewicz remarks, “…he began to fear whether in the presence of far greater events, all his acts would not fade into insignificance, just as a drop of rain disappears into the sea.”On the Cosmic Calendar, the average human life span is only about two tenths of a second, […] Continue reading

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The Speed of Light

The speed of light is very, very fast, almost incomprehensibly fast. It is unusual to think that whenever we see an object, light is bouncing off that object and hitting our eye. We perceive this to be instantaneous, but it actually takes some infinitesimal amount of time for light to travel from nearby objects to […] Continue reading

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The Speed of Light

The speed of light is very, very fast, almost incomprehensibly fast. It is unusual to think that whenever we see an object, light is bouncing off that object and hitting our eye. We perceive this to be instantaneous, but it actually takes some infinitesimal amount of time for light to travel from nearby objects to […] Continue reading

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The Universal Speed Limit

According to the Special Theory of Relativity, the speed at which light travels is the same in all reference frames.  In other words, you will always observe that light will travel at 2.99*10^8 m/s, regardless of how fast you’re going.  At first, one might think that this number is so high that it would make little […] Continue reading

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You are stronger than the Universe! (Kind of)

Minute Physics: Do We Expand with the Universe? As you read this post, the universe around you is shooting outwards and stretching off into the unknown at unimaginable speeds! But if that’s true, why cant’t you feel it? In a way it is because you are stronger the the stretching of the universe! Well maybe […] Continue reading

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Blog #1 Vast Size and Scale

From Chapter 1 of our course textbook, we dived deep into the vastness that is space. We explored what our cosmic address is, how long it takes to travel among the stars in terms of light-years, and measured our distance from the center of the Milky Way. Despite this almost unimaginable expanse, the chapter doesn’t really […] Continue reading

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Cosmic Calendar

The history of our Universe is extremely vast, and therefore might at times be a bit difficult to comprehend. In order to better take a look at the expansive history of the Universe, we can condense the large time period onto a single calendar year. This allows us to really grasp the amount of time […] Continue reading

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