Tag Archives: blog1

If Light Travelled Really Fast…

According to prevailing theories in Physics, the speed of light, denoted by ‘c’ is a universal constant. It means that it is intrinsically related to the very nature of the universe. We exist because we are the culmination of almost fourteen billion years of conformation to this value by every single one of the atoms […] Continue reading

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The Size of the Universe

I will always be amazed by the size of the Universe as we know it.  The above photo (along with a little bit of zooming) is a perfect illustration of the unbelievable vastness of our “observable universe.”  Our observable universe consists of all objects whose light has reached us on Earth, and is roughly 14 […] Continue reading

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Our Vast Universe

When reading up the size of our earth, our solar system, and ultimately, our universe, my mind was completely blown. The following video shows just how small our earth really is, compared to other planets in our solar system, our sun, and other stars in the constellations that we can see at night. Just to […] Continue reading

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The Size of the Universe

This video is similar to the Powers of Ten video, but it zooms in and out of the universe at a much faster pace, so it was easier for me to understand. The video starts with a view of a region on Earth and then slowly zooms out to the solar system, galaxy, and finally, […] Continue reading

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Twin Paradox

One of my favorite concepts in physics is relativity, so I thought it would be fun to discuss the twin “paradox”. The twin paradox occurs when one twin travels away from earth at a speed close to the speed of light and then returns. The result is that the traveling twin returns younger than the […] Continue reading

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Moore’s Law & The Cosmic Calendar

Carl Sagan’s Cosmic Calendar is an insightful concept that provides essential perspective for the development of the universe. The universe itself is apparently organic, and as a natural entity it seemingly evolves over time. By packing roughly 14 billion years of existence into a relative calendar of one Earthly year, Sagan enables people to grasp […] Continue reading

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Jump to Light Speed

Many Sci-fi movies, shows, books, comics, etc. are based around the premise the being able to travel at the speed of light would finally allow a civilization as paltry as ours to traverse the stars and make the final frontier finally accessible. One slight hole in this logic that I have never seen addressed, however, is […] Continue reading

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The Speed of Light and Time Dilation

Relativity is probably the most interesting area of physics in my opinion, and this video does a great job of succinctly explaining the concept of time dilation. To summarize, objects moving at speeds close to the speed of light experience time more slowly from the perspective of a stationary observer because the speed of light […] Continue reading

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Farthest Supernova Yet!

A few weeks ago, it was announced that a type 1a supernova had been discovered that was 10 billion light years away! Officially named SN SCP-0401 but nicknamed “Mingus” after a jazz composer, this supernova is remarkable not just for its distance but for the detail in its spectrum. Scientist will be able to use […] Continue reading

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The Power of Ten, Blog #1

The Power of Ten Video: This video made in 1977 is a brilliant piece of work that helps display the sheer magnitude of our universe. The video zooms out from a point in chicago by a factor of 10 in … Continue reading Continue reading

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