Tag Archives: blog2

Black Body Radiation, analyzing the Universe at Long Distance

Illustration of Supermassive BlackHole Formation (An Ideal Black Body) from GOODS Source: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Scuola Normale Superiore/Pacucci, F. et al, Illustration: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss Optical: NASA/STScI; Celestial Bodies throughout the universe are extraordinarily far away, yet despite this we are able to describe these objects with precision. The reason this is possible is because the radiation of these […] Continue reading

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The Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble Telescope First Light Image (May 1990) The Hubble Space Telescope was one of the most impactful inventions in furthering our understanding of the universe. Launched in 1990, this telescope provided us with detailed information of our solar system and universe. Some of the incredible discoveries the Hubble has made are determining the age of […] Continue reading

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Retrograde… what the heck

(Diagram showing Ptolemy’s early explanation of retrograde motion) Understanding retrograde can get a little confusing. Before taking astronomy, I’d only ever heard the term used by the astrology girlies. I thought maybe it was another “constellations are not real” scenario- but retrograde is real! Early astronomer Ptolemy (c. AD 100), as he observed the night […] Continue reading

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The Slingshot Maneuver

For any of you who have seen the movie adaption of, “A Wrinkle In Time” may remember the scene where two of the protagonists hide in a tree stump in order to be thrown over a wall. Meg, one of these protagonists, has parents who work in quantum theory, so she has picked up knowledge […] Continue reading

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Roche Limit

In science fiction novels and movies, we occasionally see a planet or a moon being teared into pieces due to it being to close to a star or a larger planet. In the newly premiered Chinese sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth II, our moon potentially gets torn into chunks as it moves closer to the […] Continue reading

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Celestial Navigation Techniques Blog #2

Before any GPS or easy to use maps, explorers were completely reliant on the stars and their hunches to determine their location during their travels. In the Northern Hemisphere, it was much easier to determine latitude because of the conveniently located star Polaris just above the northern celestial pole. Using the Sun is also a […] Continue reading

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Blog2: Telescopes of all kinds

There are many different types of telescopes, each designed for a specific purpose. Here are some of the most common types: Conclusion Each type of telescope has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which one to use depends on the specific observing goals and requirements of the astronomer. Continue reading

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Blog 2: Retrograde Motion

Due to Earth’s counterclockwise rotation, many objects in the sky like the Sun rise in the east and set in the west. However, planets such as Mars exhibit apparent retrograde motion, where they appear to reverse direction in the sky and move from west to east. This is a result of planets orbitting at different […] Continue reading

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Retrograde motion

Retrograde motion is one of the apparent motions of pla […] Continue reading

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Nuances of Thermal Energy

Today I learned about the nuances of thermal energy that answered a forgotten question from my childhood. When I was little I was always afraid to stick my hand inside a hot oven because I knew how badly my tongue gets burned whenever I drink something hot. However, when I finally did stick my hand […] Continue reading

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