Tag Archives: blog3

How’s the Weather Up There? ⛅

On an especially brutally stormy day, you may have thought to yourself, “Why does it have to be this way? Why do we have to be so inconvenienced?” Well, if we colonize Mars or the Moon someday, your wish may come true. That’s because weather stems from the presence of an atmosphere! Weather is mostly … Continue reading How’s the Weather Up There? ⛅ Continue reading

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The Geology of Venus: Earth’s “Sister Planet” (Post 3)

Even though Venus is not the planet closest to the Sun, it is still the hottest planet in our solar system. This is because the planet’s dense atmosphere, which is composed of thick clouds of carbon dioxide and other gases, prevents heat from the Sun from being released into outer space. We are lucky toContinue reading “The Geology of Venus: Earth’s “Sister Planet” (Post 3)” Continue reading

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The Atmosphere of Mars

Mars is a fascinating planet to compare to Earth, and much of that is due to the atmospheric differences. Most people know that due to the atmosphere on Mars, humans can’t live there, but what people don’t know is that billions of years ago, Mars had an atmosphere similar to that of Earth. Currently, Earth’sContinue reading “The Atmosphere of Mars” Continue reading

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How did mountains form on Venus?

Venus is often described as Earth’s sister planet. Both planets have similar size and densities, indicating somewhat similar core compositions. The primary difference between the two is orbital distance from the sun. Venus, like Earth, is covered with geological features including volcanoes and mountains. We know how mountains formed on Earth – tectonic plates. MountainsContinue reading “How did mountains form on Venus?” Continue reading

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Climate Change: Real and Present

Climate change, although a widely debated issue, is impacted the world more and more on a daily basis. Climate change is the long-term affect of human-caused damage to the Earth and its different environments. Often climate change if referred to simply as global warming, and, while global warming is a part of climate change, itContinue reading “Climate Change: Real and Present” Continue reading

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One Strange Shield

About a year ago National Geographic released a television series titled “One Strange Rock.” It can be found on Disney+. This series looks at how life on Earth survives and thrives. It is especially interesting because it tells this story through eight astronauts (and Will Smith!) who have spent about 1,000 days in space. AnContinue reading “One Strange Shield” Continue reading

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Juno – Spacecraft, Roman Goddess, and….Lego Minifigure?

Currently orbiting Jupiter is a small satellite that goes by the name of Juno. This small spacecraft was launched in 2011 and was tasked with uncovering as much as possible about Jupiter and its mysterious history. Its main mission is to measure the composition, gravity field, and magnetic field of Jupiter while simultaneously looking forContinue reading “Juno – Spacecraft, Roman Goddess, and….Lego Minifigure?” Continue reading

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We’re Not the Only Living Ones in the Universe, Kind Of

For ages, humans have been questioning the possibility of other life forms in the universe. There are many theories and ideas of evidence of other life forms. For example, there appears to be dry river beds on Mars. It is thought that Mars could at one point retain water on its surface and life could’veContinue reading “We’re Not the Only Living Ones in the Universe, Kind Of” Continue reading

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How do we know the age of Earth?

How do we know how old the Earth is? The age of the Earth was a relatively contested figure for a while, with early scientists struggling to date it with any level of precision. The first and most-well known way to set a lower bound on the age of the earth is through radioactive dating.Continue reading “How do we know the age of Earth?” Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is when two atoms combine into another atom. This is the opposite of nuclear fission, which is when an atom is split into smaller atoms. Nuclear fission is how we generate nuclear energy on earth, and is highly efficient. Nuclear fusion, however, would be even more efficient. Instead of using uranium for fission, […] Continue reading

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