Tag Archives: blog3

Blog Post #3: The Magellanic Clouds

When we were discussing celestial navigation in class, a thought occurred to me: if Polaris cannot be seen in the …

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Archeology plus astronomy equals archeoastronomy

Archeoastronomy is the combination of archeology, the study of human activity in the past, and astronomy, the study of celestial objects. Archeoastronomy is the study of how people of the past have interpreted the skies above. This type of study also looked at how ancient people adopted the phenomenon of the sky into their cultures. […] Continue reading

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What Would Happen Without Gravity?

Is this what the world would be like without gravity? I have always wondered what earth would be like without gravity. There is gravity on the Moon and we are weightless because we are in a constant state of free fall, not because there is no gravity. But if there was no gravity on earth,… Continue reading

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The World’s Largest Vaccuum

The world’s largest vacuum is located at NASA’s Space Power Facility in Ohio. In this video, a bowling ball and a feather are dropped together under the conditions of outer space to demonstrate the concept that objects will fall at…

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“Eppur si muove” … Maybe not

“And yet it moves.” Legend has it that these were the words whispered by Galileo after he recanted his claim that the Earth orbits the Sun before the Catholic Church at his trial in 1633. The Church had threatened his life if he did not, so this story shows a 70 year old man not willing to […] Continue reading

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The Astronomical Origins of Stonehenge

Above is a photo of Stonehenge I took when I visited England the summer after freshman year of high school. I was so amazed by this structure. I wondered why it was built and what was its purpose. I did not know at the time, but many believe Stonehenge has connections to ancient astronomy. Archaeoastronomers are […] Continue reading

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Seeing through my eyes

Out of the four chapters that we read for Exam 2, I decided to write on the topic of eyes because it hits close to home and interests me. As we read, the “normal” eye works much like a telescope or camera. The eye consists of major parts such as the pupil, lens, retina, and […] Continue reading

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Telescopes and Technology

Pictured above is an artists rendition of the James Webb telescope, a feat of modern technology that is to become the successor to the famous Hubble Telescope currently in orbit. While the Hubble was designed to observe relatively close astronomical phenomena, the JWST will be able to see much further. While at first this fact […] Continue reading

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Making waves

For many years, the understanding is that the shift in tectonic plates, creating an earthquake, was the first step to the earthquake, tidal wave, volcano pattern. As seen in this video: tidal waves. However, recent studies from Science Magazine, suggest that the tidal waves themselves may be more of the cause than they are the effects. […] Continue reading

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Telescope Stuff

We’ve all had the urge. The urge to buy a camper, drive and drive till civilization disappears, and finally, under the starlit sky, to use the six foot telescope located in the back of the camper. Check it out. Picture That is how Man was meant to gaze at the stars. With a telescope lens … Continue reading Telescope Stuff Continue reading

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