Tag Archives: blog4

Blog 4: All Things Venus!

Venus is the second planet from the sun, as well as the second of the Terrestrial planets, meaning it is high density, low radius, and low radius compared to the Jovian planets. Some quick facts about Venus include the following: As described above, Venus’s atmosphere is incredibly thick, which makes circulation efficient in transporting heat […] Continue reading

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Black Holes Emitting Light?

Take a look at this picture of a black hole Photo by: Space.com This is actually called a quasar. A quasar is a supermassive black hole that is actively pulling in surrounding material due to its massive gravitational force. A black hole is an entity where the force of gravity is so intense that not […] Continue reading

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The Sun

The Sun is arguably the most important thing in our solar system. It is the orbital center for each planet, and allows for life to be sustained on Earth. But what actually is the Sun? The Sun is a giant, glowing hot ball of gas that actually has many layers to it. The outermost layer […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Space Telescopes

Telescopes play a pivotal role in deepening our understanding of the universe. While many telescopes are positioned on Earth, those placed in space afford us a more profound insight into the universe. Stationed beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, space telescopes capture clearer images of the cosmos. The Earth’s atmosphere, which blurs images and only permits radio […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Explaining Relativistic time dilation

Time seems to be one of the only immutable aspects of the universe, besides death and taxes. Many people believe that the passage of time is altogether unstoppable and unyielding. And for most intensive purposes, they are right. Indeed, time is our most precious resource and one that many of believe we have an extremely […] Continue reading

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Geology of the Moon and Mercury – Blog 4

After writing my last blog post about atmospheres and the greenhouse effect, when learning that the atmospheres of the Moon and Mercury cause them to be considered practically airless and have no weather, I became heavily intrigued. What makes the Moon and Mercury so different from the other planets in our solar system? Thus, I […] Continue reading

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The Universe’s Greatest Mystery That Threatens the Fabric of Physics

Wikipedia The foundational aspect of science is that a scientific theory that explains something about the natural world must be repeatedly tested and confirmed. If it cannot apply to every situation that meets the requisite parameters, then it is not a theory. Some information or calibration is missing, and the theory will be refined. Dark […] Continue reading

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Walking on the Giant Planets

In class, we have been learning a lot about the different kinds of planets and what makes them have their unique characteristics. But did you know that if possible to send people to the Giant Planets, you would not be able to walk on them? One of the characteristics of the Giant Planets is that […] Continue reading

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Life on Europa??

One of humanity’s greatest wonders is if life could exist outside of Earth. Surely humans are not the only living creatures to exist in the entire universe, but where could other organisms flourish? Scientists have identified three key criteria that make life possible: liquid water, chemistry, and energy. Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons and the […] Continue reading

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Solar Flares and their Effect on Earth

~”All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them”~ Galileo Galilei In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered sunspots on the sun in our solar system, showing that space was imperfect. However, little was known about these sun spots until the late 19th century. Astronomical researchers discovered that the sunspots […] Continue reading

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