Tag Archives: blog6

Enceladus got life?

Thanks NASA’s Cassini mission, scientists have been able to confirm that underneath the icy crust of one of Saturn’s moons, Enceladus, lies a global ocean. Naturally, that begs the question could there possibly be something living in that ocean. When looking for life in our solar system, the first thing we look for is water […] Continue reading

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Fermi Paradox

Where are the aliens? This is the question the Fermi paradox attempts to answers. The paradox revolves around the lack of confirmed evidence of extraterrestrial life and the high calculated probability that life beyond Earth exists. The Fermi paradox is named after physicist Enrico Fermi. The argument raised by Fermi was formalized by Michael Hart.Continue reading “Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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Where is everybody?

The Fermi Paradox addresses the famous question: are we alone? Statistically, it’s extremely unlikely that Earth hosts the only life in the universe. Most of the universe is (by current knowledge) unreachable to humans. But let’s look at our own galaxy. Many estimates say there should be at least a hundred thousand civilizations in theContinue reading “Where is everybody?” Continue reading

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Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The Drake Equation

We all love hearing stories about aliens and extraterrestrials. But what if I told you that there is a probabilistic equation that is used by scientists to estimate the amount of active and communicative extraterrestrial civilizations there are in the Milky Way. It is called the Drake Equation and it was made by Frank DrakeContinue reading “Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The Drake Equation” Continue reading

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Let’s Talk about Aliens

I don’t know about you, but thinking of aliens brings up images of UFOs and bright green skin, bulbous heads and an echo of “Take me to your leader.” However, this representation of extraterrestrial life is simply something made up by… Continue reading

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Extremophiles, and What They Mean For Life in Space

Extremophiles are organisms on Earth that thrive in extreme environment that most other organisms wouldn’t be able to survive in. They are found in places that at a glance, seem unlivable, places like inside volcanoes, or deep in the ocean under extreme pressures. So why do these extremophiles matter when thinking about space? The ideaContinue reading “Extremophiles, and What They Mean For Life in Space” Continue reading

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So Where Are the Aliens?

Our galaxy should be teeming with civilizations, but where are they? If we imagine that we would be able to survive long enough to become interstellar travelers, and that we begin to colonize habitable planets around nearby star systems, we would have dozens of outposts around nearby stars within a few centuries. We would beContinue reading “So Where Are the Aliens?” Continue reading

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The Drake Equation

The Drake equation, also known as the Green Bank equation, is used to yield the number of technically advanced civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. The equation uses astronomical, biological, and psychological factors to determine this number. The formula was first discussed in 1961 at a conference on the “search of extraterrestrial intelligence”, formulated largelyContinue reading “The Drake Equation” Continue reading

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How Life Could Start and Exist on Europa

Although our understanding of the evolutionary process is deep, the exact time and process through which the first life forms on Earth arose is still not entirely clear. The panspermia hypothesis speculates that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed through asteroids, comets, and space dust, and that life on Earth was brought fromContinue reading “How Life Could Start and Exist on Europa” Continue reading

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Blog #6 (EC): The Fermi Paradox

An interesting concept that occupies the minds of many philosophers and scientists alike is the idea of life outside of Earth (and outside of our solar system). Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi posited that there exists a paradox describing the possibility of life outside of our world: there is no physical evidence to prove (or evenContinue reading “Blog #6 (EC): The Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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