Tag Archives: blog6

Meteor, Meteorite & Asteroid… What is the difference?

We often misuse words such as meteor, meteorite, and asteroid while talking about space and not realizing that these three things are actually different! In this post I will explain the difference between all of them. What are meteors? Meteors are objects that enter the Earth’s atmosphere from space. Sometimes they are called “shooting stars”, […] Continue reading

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Famous Comets

“Out to sea, the calm lagoon waters were darkening, while the comets overhead glowed brighter, omens in the gloaming.” ― Julian May, Perseus Spur A comet is an icy small body in the solar system that when passing close to the Sun, it produces a visible atmosphere or coma from a process called outgassing — Wikipedia. I always hope […] Continue reading

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The Hale-Bopp Comet

Comet Hale-Bopp, also known as the The Great Comet of 1997, was a comet that appeared in – you guessed it – 1997. It was first discovered in 1995 by both Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, after whom it was named. It was first visible in mid 1996, but did not reach its brightest until […] Continue reading

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Miraculous Arts in Space

I have a thing for picturesque, unique space landscape and pattern and there are two nebulae that has always been my favorite. Ever since I was in elementary school (that was when I learned about space), I found out that there are MANY beautiful and spectacular shapes of nebulae. Since then, I was hooked. Two … Continue reading Miraculous Arts in Space Continue reading

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Blog 6: Orion and the Space Launch System

NASA is building a new human spacecraft. The Orion spacecraft will carry humans farther than we’ve gone before. In 2014, Orion completed a two-orbit, four-hour flight to test its systems. Looking forward, Orion will launch from the Space Launch System. The Space Launch System (SLS) is the world’s most powerful rocket. Wow! In a series … Continue reading Blog 6: Orion and the Space Launch System Continue reading

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Blog #6: New Life?

In February 2017, NASA released what could potentially be the most important astronomical discovery ever made. Using the  Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope or Trappist for short, NASA discovered a small red dwarf star 39 light years away with three planets positioned similarly to Earth and sun in a fashion that was conducive to … Continue reading Blog #6: New Life? Continue reading

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Can you survive in space?

For the astronaut shown above, he/she will be fine for now. As long as their space suit is intact, they should not be in any immediate danger of death. However, if their suit were to malfunction for some reason, what would happen next? This has been “explained” before in movies or television shows; but as we […] Continue reading

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Ida and Dactyl

243 Ida is a 56 km long asteroid orbiting in the main asteroid belt with a number of notable features. Ida is an S-type asteroid, or stony asteroid, and is mostly composed of rock and iron from accretion during early solar system formation. Ida was a subject of study by the Galileo spacecraft in 1993, … Continue reading Ida and Dactyl Continue reading

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Life on Jupiter’s Moons?

We might not have to look beyond our solar system to find other life. Continue reading

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The Tabby Star

Image of Tabby Star‘s light blocked by “mega-structures” Tabby Star is an unsolved and inexplicable mystery, situated 1,500 light years away from us. Tabby star is located at the constellation Cygnus it was named after the lead scientist in the study of this star, Tabetha S. Boyajian. What’s the mystery behind this star? Well, this… Continue reading The Tabby Star Continue reading

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