Tag Archives: blog6

Nuclear Fusion in the Sun

At the core of the Sun, and every other Sun like star, a process called fusion takes place. Fusion describes a process where light elements, such as hydrogen, get fused together to form heavier elements, like helium. Fusion happens due to the intense pressure of gravity acting on the suns mass. A byproduct of this […] Continue reading

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Space Bubbles AKA Quantum Foam

Spacetime is often described as a “fabric”, but there is one theory that would describe it as more like sea foam- made of a bunch of tiny bubbles. This is the quantum foam theory. The quantum foam theory basically came into existence to try and unite Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, something that […] Continue reading

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Climate Change

Climate change is unfortunately vastly overlooked as a serious threat to our species today. NASA itself has a detailed list on its website devoted to the current evidence of climate change. The list includes the following phenomena: Sea level rise Global temperature rise Warming oceans Shrinking ice sheets Declining Arctic sea ice Glacial retreat Extreme […] Continue reading

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A Year in Space

Just last month Scott Kelly finished what many of us would deem unbearable: spending a year in space. For almost an entire year, Scott Kelly lived with fellow Russian Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko on the International Space Station in order to see the effects that long durations in zero-gravity conditions have on the human body. Prior to […] Continue reading

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Jovian Moons…Alien Life?

One question that all humans are curious to find the answer to is: Are we alone in this universe? Based on pure numbers, it is highly probable that life exists elsewhere in the universe. Despite this high likelihood for extraterrestrial … Continue reading Continue reading

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Mars One? More like Mars WHAT

Mars One is a relatively small organization with a big idea. Based in the Netherlands, Mars One’s mission is to send a group of people from Earth on a one way trip to Mars by 2027. This mission is a nonprofit and led by Bas Lansdorp, who announced this idea in 2012. However, Lansdorp more […] Continue reading

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Terraforming Mars: Exploring The World Of Cosmic Cosmetics

If there is anything we have learned from observing the universe, it’s that Earth is incredibly unique. Of course, we could find out soon enough how utterly ordinary we are should we discover Earth-like planets bearing life beyond our Solar System, but until, we seem to be pretty special. Nasa’s Kepler Mission has discovered tens of […] Continue reading

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Amazing Aurora

Aurora borealis, the Northern Lights, is one of the most beautiful phenomenon we have on Earth. It is caused by particles from the Sun’s atmosphere that reach Earth’s atmosphere. As the two collide, different colored light is produced, depending on the chemical element and altitude. The lights can shine anywhere from 50-400 miles above the […] Continue reading

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Drafting behind the Millennium Falcon

“I’m going to make the jump to light speed…” Are famous words spoken by Han Solo as he and other Rebel Alliance members make the jump to light speed in hopes of outrunning the Empire. In films like Star Wars and Star Trek, we see many instances like the above example where it really is […] Continue reading

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Solar Eclipse

Today, residents of Europe got to see something truly spectacular. In the early morning hours, a solar eclipse occurred (a total solar eclipse was viewed by residents of islands in the far North of Europe). This eclipse coincided with the Spring equinox (which occurs on the first day of Spring) as well as a Supermoon, which… Continue reading

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