Tag Archives: blog6

‘Oumuamua: An Interstellar Visitor

In 2017, a small, long object between 100 and 1,000 meters in length and between 35 and 167 meters in height and width passed through the inner solar system with a trajectory and speed only possible if it originated from beyond our solar system. This object, now known as ‘Oumuamua, is one of the first […] Continue reading

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Blog#6 Red Giant and White Dwarf

Pauli Exclusion Principle (Wikipedia): every electron is indistinguishable from another. Two identical electrons cannot locate in the same volume of space with the same exact properties (energy, spin, direction) Thus, the electron has to be excluded from this space or remain at the higher energy level.  When a main-sequence star (Wikipedia) comes towards the end […] Continue reading

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Magnetar — A Fascinating Neutron Star

Neutron stars are the collapsed core of the massive stars (our Sun cannot qualify that). Neutron star was the smallest and densest stellar object in the universe. A city-sized neutron star can obtain the mass of the Sun. There are two types of neutron stars — magnetars and pulsars. Pulsars are neutron stars with fast […] Continue reading

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Asteroid Mining

Picture of Asteroid With the current rise of privatized space travel, one industry that may very well likely be popularized within our lifetimes is asteroid mining. However the initial investment cost of getting to a profitable asteroid will be enormous, the payoff of mining and bringing back the metals that these asteroids contain would be …

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Chicxulub Impactor Found?

In class, we discussed the Chicxulub impact, which is highly likely to have triggered the extinction event that killed the dinosaurs. Despite the large size of the impactor, the catastrophic impact and 65 million years of geological processes have hidden the exact nature of the impactor from scientists. While iridium deposits in sedimentary rock layersContinue reading “Chicxulub Impactor Found?” Continue reading

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Asteroid, meteor, meteoroid, meteorite

These four terms are often misunderstood and the objects/occurrences they represent are thought of to be similar when in reality that is not the case. I am here to put these false assumptions about these misunderstood terms to rest. Looking at the definitions. An asteroid is a rock in space orbiting the sun, a meteoroid […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Weapons, Asteroids, and PHOs

Both nuclear weapons and asteroids are incredibly powerful and potentially dangerous objects with capabilities for mass destruction. The impact of the Chicxulub Asteriod about 65 million years ago had an explosive force about two million times greater than the Tsar Bomba, the most powerful man-made nuclear weapon ever deployed, which had an explosive power ofContinue reading “Nuclear Weapons, Asteroids, and PHOs” Continue reading

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Planetary migration theory | blog VI

Discoveries of extrasolar planets and the growing pool of knowledge surrounding them has raised innumerable new questions. Many of these worlds do not follow the patterns or rules of planetary composition, location, etc. that exist within our own solar system. One of the biggest ones in response to these inconsistencies—is our current solar nebula formation […] Continue reading

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What Would a City Look Like Inside of Olympus Mons?

In Avatar: The Last Airbender, the capital of the fire nation is a city built inside the crater, or caldera, of a volcano. The idea of this got me thinking, what would a city look like inside of the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons? The picture shows Olympus Mons compared to Arizona. […] Continue reading

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Curiosity Rover

The Curiosity Rover is located on Mars. This car-sized explorer, which is owned by NASA, is designed to investigate Mars climate and geology. It was launched on November 26, 2011 and landed on August 6, 2012. It has traveled over 16 miles exploring Mars and taking pictures for astronomers to study.  Its main goal is […] Continue reading

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