Tag Archives: blog7

Fermi Paradox Answered?! (not clickbait)

After hastily copy pasting “Fermi Paradox” into my search bar when I saw it was a potential topic for blogging, the results I found gave me an exciting opportunity. Understanding why we haven’t detected aliens seemed right up the alley of Kurzgesagt, a youtube channel that specializes in the intersection of physics and philosophy. Luckily […] Continue reading

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Fermi’s Paradox

Fermi’s paradox is the paradox where is there is no clear evidence for extraterrestrial life. This paradox was named after physicist Enrico Fermi, who made the point that we hadn’t seen any extraterrestrials. Where is everybody else? The Fermi paradox has possible solutions that are split into 3 categories: we are alone; civilizations are common,…Continue reading » Continue reading

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Where are all the Aliens? Natural and Self-Inflicted Explanations for the Fermi Paradox

Broadly speaking, our views on the probability of extraterrestrial life have gotten more optimistic over time due to a long series of discoveries that have increased our estimates for the size of the universe, the frequency of planets, the frequency of liquid water on worlds, and the ability for life to thrive in extreme conditions.Continue reading “Where are all the Aliens? Natural and Self-Inflicted Explanations for the Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox : Are We Alone?

The Fermi Paradox Picture The universe is magnificently huge, and hence should have countless opportunities for life to develop, but that then begs the question, where are all the aliens? Due to the expansion of the universe being faster than the speed of life, there may be life throughout many galaxies, or even most of …

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The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox attempts to describe why we have not made contact/found any intelligent life although the conservative estimate for how many intelligent civilizations there are throughout the universe is ten million billion. This theory is completely based on speculative math using the data we know about our universe. The paradox also describes Types of […] Continue reading

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Blog Post 7: Drake Equation Odds

The Drake Equation is an equation used to determine the odds of communicating with another alien civilization. Created by Frank Drake in the 1961, it was a product of all of the odds of life forming, planets having suitable habitats, and how successful the life was on the planet. The first value was R, or […] Continue reading

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Bracewell “Messanger” Probes

In 1960, Ronald Bracewell made public his idea of a “Bracewell probe” that was capable of both identifying and exchanging information with intelligent alien civilizations. These probes would be sent toward different star systems and place themselves within a near-circular orbit in a star’s habitable zone. Using solar energy from the star, the probe would […] Continue reading

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Acidophiles, pH, and life on Venus | blog VII

The pH scale is used to gauge the acidity and ranges from 0-14, with lower values being more acidic and higher values being more alkali. 7 is the neutral level between the two. Substances like battery or stomach acids have pHs around 0 or 1; water and blood are around 7, with drain cleaner or […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox & Possible Implications

Are we alone? This sentence, likely thought by many humans around the world and throughout history in hundreds of languages, brings forth a profound question. Also known as the Fermi Paradox, the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life has captured many minds. If life is so plentiful here on Earth, and there are so many habitable […] Continue reading

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The barophiles we have found are tiny organisms, usually bacteria, living in areas with intense pressure. They are found on ocean floors where pressure can reach about 400 atm. For reference, the atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1 atm. Some barophiles known as obligate barophiles cannot survive in low pressures. The barophile Halomonas salaria […] Continue reading

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