Tag Archives: blog8

New Alien Planet

Recently, there was a new world discovered that is quite Earth-like. It is an exoplanet named OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb. This planet is about as massive as our earth, and orbits its start at around the same distance as earth orbits our sun, however, there is a major difference. The star that our new exoplanet orbits is tiny and […] Continue reading

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Astronomy and Us

“I believe our future depends powerfully on how well we understand this Cosmos, in which we float like a mote of dust in the morning sky.” – Carl Sagan Even after learning all of the mysteries, all of the answers, all of the beauty, and all of the chaos of the universe, it is still natural […] Continue reading

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Alien Life on Enceladus

Could there be life in the Solar System other than Earth? According to NASA, there might be life in one of the oceans in the Solar System. I’m pretty sure that this question make you wonder which ocean is that? The answer is ocean in ENCELADUS. Before I proceed on why there is potential life on Enceladus, … Continue reading Alien Life on Enceladus Continue reading

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Why is the Solar System Flat?

It isn’t just lying down because it’s tired. Continue reading

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Alien Life on Europa?!

A huge plume of water vapor has again been spotted emanating from Europa, Jupiter’s icy moon, boosting scientists’ confidence that the phenomenon is real. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope detected a 62-mile-high (100 kilometers) candidate plume near Europa’s equator in February 2016, researchers and agency officials announced today (April 13) – SPACE NASA and the ESA are planning […] Continue reading

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Callisto is one of the largest Galilean Moons which were discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. Callisto is the second-largest moon of Jupiter and the third-largest in the whole Solar System. The moon is composed of approximately equal amounts of ice and rock, having the lowest density and surface gravity of Jupiter‘s major moons. Also, […] Continue reading

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Callisto is one of the largest Galilean Moons which were discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. Callisto is the second-largest moon of Jupiter and the third-largest in the whole Solar System. The moon is composed of approximately equal amounts of ice and rock, having the lowest density and surface gravity of Jupiter‘s major moons. Also, […] Continue reading

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Blog #8: Extremophiles – Exposure in Space

  There are many extremophiles on Earth, some that roam the Sahara Desert and come out only for the hottest parts of the day and some that scale the coldest parts of the arctic. Extremophiles are an interesting phenomenon with applications to discovery of other life in the universe. If these organisms can survive in […] Continue reading

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Casscenery (The Cassini Photos of Saturn)

As the 20 year long Cassini mission comes to an end, no one wants to miss the exciting events of the last 4.5 months. Cassini is slated to crash into the surface of Saturn on September 15th this year, but not before Cassini swoops progressively lower to the gas giant, giving scientists unprecedentedly close images … Continue reading Casscenery (The Cassini Photos of Saturn) Continue reading

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From the Space Bar to Space Exploration: Information, References, and Resources So That You Can Boldly Go

If you read the title, then you probably understand what is going to be included in this post. Just to clarify however, what you should expect is a bunch of interesting and hopefully useful resources in various formats (apps, software, sites, news outlets, etc) if you want to continue exploring the ‘verse outside of this… Continue reading From the Space Bar to Space Exploration: Information, References, and Resources So That You Can Boldly Go Continue reading

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