Tag Archives: climatechange

Climate Change & Global Warming

I believe that everyone knows that our planet’s climate is changing, and everyone has heard about terms such as “climate change” and “global warming”. Although it a very well known topic, I am not sure that most people are aware of why and what is happening, and how it affects our society. In this blog […] Continue reading

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As climate change heats up, Arctic residents struggle to keep their homes

The Guardian published an intriguing article today regarding climate change and the huge impact it is having on our planet. More specifically, the impact it is having near the North Pole. It describes the rising temperatures and rising sea levels and the impact that this has on people residing in this area. The scariest part? […] Continue reading

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Climate Change

Climate change is unfortunately vastly overlooked as a serious threat to our species today. NASA itself has a detailed list on its website devoted to the current evidence of climate change. The list includes the following phenomena: Sea level rise Global temperature rise Warming oceans Shrinking ice sheets Declining Arctic sea ice Glacial retreat Extreme …

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Climate Change

Climate change is unfortunately vastly overlooked as a serious threat to our species today. NASA itself has a detailed list on its website devoted to the current evidence of climate change. The list includes the following phenomena: Sea level rise Global temperature rise Warming oceans Shrinking ice sheets Declining Arctic sea ice Glacial retreat Extreme […] Continue reading

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Climate Change

Today, one of the most pressing issues in society is climate change. The Earth, due to pollution and the ensuing increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, is experiencing global warming. Average temperatures around the globe have increased a few degrees Celsius in the past few decades. While that may not seem like a lot,… Continue reading

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Exploring Climate Change in Google Earth

The video below is an introduction to a series of videos that utilize Google Earth to inform viewers of problems involving climate change and global warming. The “tours” can be downloaded here. These tours are very informative and allow the user to pause them to explore the Google Earth content on their own. I think […] Continue reading

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Sources of Climate Change

Since many sources claiming to distribute accurate information regarding climate change tend to have some sort of their own political agenda, I will concentrate mostly on the discussion of climate […] Continue reading

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Blog #5: A Necessary Truth to Understand

Regardless of your political opinions, Al Gore raises an interesting and relevant point of our Earth’s increasing climate change and explains why this is occurring in his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.  Al Gore explains how susceptible our atmosphere is to … Continue reading Continue reading

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Global Warming Issues :)

It’s unfortunate that these days, “global warming” is such a dirty word; tis a fascinating topic and one we’ll be investigating a bit during our course (in Unit 3 when we talk about the rocky planets).  Despite the fact we’ll be looking at this more later, I HAVE to post about two things that I […] Continue reading

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