Tag Archives: earth

Blog Post 4 Chicxulub Impact

The Chicxulub Impact happened approximately 66 million years ago, defining the end of the Cretaceous Period and the beginning of the Paleocene, as well as the end of the Mesozoic Era and the beginning of the Cenozoic Era. This impact not only managed to eradicate the dinosaurs as the dominant lifeform on the planet but […] Continue reading

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Making our Earth

New findings by the AKARI space telescope, coupled with surface modeling at the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at Tokyo Institute of Technology present new evidence that the asteroid matter which composes Earth was located much further out in the solar system than initially thought. Their study involved computer modeling to develop reflective spectra of hypothetical […] Continue reading

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Blog Post 3 Creation and Composition of the Solar System

The creation of our planet, the Earth, was achieved by the forces of gravity over millions of years, melding together different rocks into a sphere. This process, known as accretion, let the Earth grow into the size it is today, with the help of Thea, a large planet that turned into our moon. These rocks […] Continue reading

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Earth and Venus: Zach and Cody?

Scientists argue that Venus is earth’s astronomical twin for a number on reasons. Like Zach and Cody from the Disney Channel sitcom, The Suite Life of Zach and Cody their physical similarities and dependance on each other cannot be overlooked. Looking at Earth and Venus’ similarities, the similar diameter comes to mind. The diameter of […] Continue reading

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Eratosthenes the Excellent??

Newton, Kepler, Galileo, Copernicus… Eratosthenes?? The name Eratosthenes is not as universally renowned, or even as known, as the likes of Newton or Galileo.; however, his contributions are just as exceptional. More than 2200 years ago, around 240 B.C.E, Eratosthenes correctly measured the circumference of the Earth to within 5% of its correct value. Considering […] Continue reading

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Solstices and Equinoxes

The seasons change as Earth orbits the sun. Earth’s hemispheres receive different amounts of sunlight during each season because of the 23.5 degree tilt of Earth’s axis. When the Earth is at a point in its orbit that the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, it is summer for the northern hemisphere. This is […] Continue reading

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Phases of the Earth

If you live on Earth, you can probably picture the Moon cycling through its different phases in the sky. But have you ever thought about what it would look like if you lived on the Moon and saw Earth in the sky? Turns out Earth has phases too. Similar … Continue reading

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solar system superlatives: Earth

Welcome to the last episode of solar system superlatives. I know it’s hard to believe, but, alas, all good things must end. In an effort to dry the tears brimming in all our eyes, I wanted to end this blog series on a happy note and on a celebration of vitality – by looking atContinue reading “solar system superlatives: Earth” Continue reading

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Drake Equation

The Drake equation is an equation used to estimate the amount of civilizations humans can communicate with. The Drake Equation was made by Frank Drake an American astronomer and astrophysicist from Chicago Illinois. The equation takes into factor only planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Drake Equation helps try to answer a question we’veContinue reading “Drake Equation” Continue reading

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Reflection on Astronomy 2110

The biggest thing I will take away from all that I have learned in Astronomy this year is just how small and irrelevant humans are both in comparison to the size and timeline of the universe. I had always heard that the universe was infinitely big but never thought anything of it and didn’t considerContinue reading “Reflection on Astronomy 2110” Continue reading

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