Tag Archives: enceladus

Blog 8 – Life on Enceladus?

Several Jovian moons are candidates for extraterrestrial life.  One of these is Enceladus, a medium-sized moon of Saturn.  Like Europa, there is strong evidence for a subsurface ocean, which is likely 30-40 kilometers below the moon’s surface, and then extends down another 30 kilometers.  Due to the suspected ocean’s thickness, it is more likely that […] Continue reading

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Alien Life on Enceladus

Could there be life in the Solar System other than Earth? According to NASA, there might be life in one of the oceans in the Solar System. I’m pretty sure that this question make you wonder which ocean is that? The answer is ocean in ENCELADUS. Before I proceed on why there is potential life on Enceladus, … Continue reading Alien Life on Enceladus Continue reading

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Blog 5: Enceladus’ Ocean

One of Saturn’s moons, we discussed in class interesting details of Enceladus. The most notable of these is the geysers of water and the potential subsurface ocean. Methane found among other particles in the water vapor plume have led researchers to consider a subsurface ocean as the origin of this methane. Because of the high … Continue reading Blog 5: Enceladus’ Ocean Continue reading

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One of Saturn’s many moons, Enceladus, has been peppered with eruptions. Underneath the icy surface, there is a probability of a global ocean, which makes it even more suspicious that it has developed these fissures on its surface, mainly on the south pole. The erupted particles take about forty minutes or so to reach the… Continue reading

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The Possibility of Life on Enceladus

One question that still excites both amateur and professional astronomers is the possibility of life on other worlds. Certain important elements, however, must be present in order for organic life to exist. Enceladus, one of Saturn’s icy moons, has an underground ocean that may be a source of life, either sometime in the ancient past …

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The Possibility of Life on Enceladus

One question that still excites both amateur and professional astronomers is the possibility of life on other worlds. Certain important elements, however, must be present in order for organic life to exist. Enceladus, one of Saturn’s icy moons, has an underground ocean that may be a source of life, either sometime in the ancient past […] Continue reading

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The deep blue under the crust

NASA’s Cassini mission scientists announced recently that Saturn’s sixth-largest moon, Enceladus, has a warm ocean at its southern pole. The ocean is 9.7 km deep and resides under the moon’s icy crust of about 40 km. Tiny grains of rock were detected by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft near Saturn. This indicates that there may be hydrothermal […] Continue reading

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Hot off the Press: Enceladus’ Heated Core

Recent findings suggest that Enceladus, the sixth-largest of Saturn’s 62 satellites, may have heats of up to 190 degrees Celsius in its interior. NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft encountered dust particles near Saturn which originated from Enceladus. Instruments on the spacecraft found that the particles were high in silicon, but lacking in metals like sodium and magnesium. The University of … Continue reading Hot off the Press: Enceladus’ Heated Core Continue reading

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Hot off the Press: Enceladus’ Heated Core

Recent findings suggest that Enceladus, the sixth-largest of Saturn’s 62 satellites, may have heats of up to 190 degrees Celsius in its interior. NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft encountered dust particles near Saturn which originated from Enceladus. Instruments on the spacecraft found that the particles were high in silicon, but lacking in metals like sodium and magnesium. The University of … Continue reading Hot off the Press: Enceladus’ Heated Core Continue reading

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Enceladus For Life!

Just last week, researchers released findings that confirm an ocean on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, something that scientists had previously suspected, but could not validate. The moon, which is very small compared to our own (only 300 miles wide), has strange geological features around its South pole that initially led to the hypothesis of a sub-surface […] Continue reading

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