Tag Archives: equinox

Common Misconception: The Earth’s Tilt At An Equinox

Upon visiting Dr. Grundstrom with a homework, I caught myself making a pretty silly error regarding the Earth’s Equinoxes. Looking at one of the homework questions for the seasons, I was asked to rank the order of several globes in order of how much daylight they received. One of the globes stood straight up, rotating […] Continue reading

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El Castillo

They say anyone can build a bridge that stands up, but it takes an engineer to build one that barely stands up. While this quote might be slightly exaggerating the engineering prowess of the average Joe, the fact is that building things accurately is difficult. The architectural and structural accomplishments of the Italian Renaissance are […] Continue reading

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Solstices and Equinoxes: Extremes and Means

Hey Listeners! Today I will be discussing solstices and equinoxes. Firstly, we will discuss solstices. This event happens twice a year (one during winter and one during summer), and is the time of the year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point relative to the celestial equator (ie when viewing the sun at […] Continue reading

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Blog Post #2: Solstices and Equinoxes

As in the olden days, the sun was used to measure and chart the passing of time.  The sun is the life-source for all living things here on earth and is a vital part of the ecosystem.  The fact that the length, intensity, and the spot of the sun’s glow on earth determines the seasons, […] Continue reading

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