Tag Archives: extraterrestrial life

Blog 7: The Fermi Paradox

Many scientists have theorized that we are not alone in the universe. Indeed, there are many scenarios that should lend themselves to the existence of life. The conditions inherent in theoretical models that have been developed to explain Earth’s formation and subsequent development of life exist elsewhere. Not only do they exist, but they appear […] Continue reading

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The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Exploring Mars, Europa, and Beyond?

Throughout history, humans have been intrigued by the possibility of life beyond our planet. With modern advancements in space exploration and technology, the quest for extraterrestrial life is more achievable than ever before. NASA and other space agencies have initiated numerous missions to explore our solar system and beyond in search of signs of life. […] Continue reading

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Life in the Milky Way

Other than life on Earth, is there any other planet in the Milky Way which might harbor life intelligent enough for inter-stellar communication? Many approaches to this question, with different philosophies have come to fruition throughout the years. One such approach is the Drake Equation: There are 7 different parameters to the Drake Equation, considering […] Continue reading

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A New Hope (For Alien Life)

Astronomy 2110 has been a real pleasure of a class to attend. Not only have I learned so much about Earth, but also about the rest of the solar system. I have discovered the secrets of our planet, the planets that are our neighbors, and our incredible star that I would have never known ifContinue reading “A New Hope (For Alien Life)” Continue reading

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The Importance of Extrasolar Planets

Extrasolar planets, often called exoplanets, are planets that exist in other solar systems other than our own. These planets are very hard to find and study because their light is fainter than the light given off by the stars which they orbit. In 1992, astronomers Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail noticed several planets orbiting theContinue reading “The Importance of Extrasolar Planets” Continue reading

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Is Space Exploration a Good Idea?

The coronavirus is now spreading across the globe and has been declared to be a pandemic. If a virus like this is so dangerous to humans, viruses that may exist somewhere else in the galaxy or universe would be so much worse… One day our sun will most likely grow to a red giant andContinue reading “Is Space Exploration a Good Idea?” Continue reading

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What Is Life?

While talking about the search for extraterrestrial life, you may notice the difficulty in drawing a line between the living and nonliving. Bacteria are considered life forms, but viruses are not. Artificial Intelligence is able to do a lot of things that human beings can do, but it is not viewed as life by the … Continue reading What Is Life? Continue reading

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The Great Filter

A lesser-known cousin of the Fermi Paradox is “The Great Filter.” The filter refers to a point in a species’ development that destroys most, if not all life. Essentially, the reason that the paradox exists must be because something is stopping other civilizations– all other civilizations. For us Earthlings, there are two possibilities: the filter … Continue reading The Great Filter Continue reading

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The Future of Mars

Two prevalent and salient questions and goals surround our red neighbor. The first is the appreciable discovery of liquid water on Mars’s surface, which opens the door to the possibility of discovering life. The other is the goal of both NASA and private aerospace companies such as SpaceX to colonize Mars and establish a permanent human presence and … Continue reading The Future of Mars Continue reading

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Blog #4

A topic I’ve always found interesting is the idea of the likelihood of extraterrestrial life in the universe. Many scientists in recent history have noted that there is an extremely high probability of life elsewhere in the universe due to the immense amount of stars and planets that must exist with favorable circumstances for the […] Continue reading

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