Tag Archives: extraterrestrial life

Potential Ocean Underneath Jupiter’s Surface

Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope have found out that there is an ocean beneath the surface of Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede. According to NASA officials, this ocean that is buried under a thick crust of ice may hold more water than the collective amount of water on Earth. Scientists think the ocean is 10 […] Continue reading

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Signs of Warm Water Found on Enceladus

NASA’s spacecraft, Cassini, has made an astonishing discovery about one of Saturn’s moons, Enceladus. This spacecraft has entered Saturn’s orbit and is sending information to the space center about Saturn and its moons. The purpose of sending this spacecraft was to make an effort of finding another celestial body that have habitable traits similar to […] Continue reading

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Life from Earth, elsewhere

In class, we have discussed the possibility that life on Earth did not originate on Earth, but came to Earth on an asteroid or other impactor. But another idea is that the inverse is true: Later impacts on Earth sent life to other locations in the Solar System. Recent simulations suggest that some of the… Continue reading

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The origins of life and the Drake equation

In using the Drake equation to discuss and estimate the probability of non-Earth life in our universe, one factor we estimated was the probability of life developing on a given planet in the habitable zone. The problem with making such an estimate as students in an Astronomy 201 course, of course, is that we all… Continue reading

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What are we even looking for?

So recently we’ve been looking at different planets. Some of the planets that we tend to find most interesting are those that we think could possibly support life. But instead of tackling the life question from an excited human standpoint, I’m looking at it in a slightly wary, totally suspicious one. What are we looking for? […] Continue reading

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Life on Europa?

Europa is proposed to be a top contender in the possibility of having extraterrestrial life. Under the ice, the oceans …

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