Tag Archives: gravity

A Smiley Face in Space :)

A picture taken by Hubble shows what appears to be a face complete with two eyes, a nose, and a smile. The two eyes are actually galaxies while the smile is made up of curving light that forms a partial circle around the figure. However, the smile doesn’t exist. There is lots of immeasurable and […] Continue reading

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Smiling Galaxy Cluster Found in Space!

That’s some intense gravitation lensing! A cluster of galaxies was recently discovered by the Hubble Telescope (AKA, uber relevant to class!) that appears to take on the shape of a bright smiling face. The galaxy cluster, known as SDSS J1038+4849, recently had the above picture taken by said telescope. While it may appear to us that […] Continue reading

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What Would Happen Without Gravity?

Is this what the world would be like without gravity? I have always wondered what earth would be like without gravity. There is gravity on the Moon and we are weightless because we are in a constant state of free fall, not because there is no gravity. But if there was no gravity on earth,… Continue reading

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The World’s Largest Vaccuum

The world’s largest vacuum is located at NASA’s Space Power Facility in Ohio. In this video, a bowling ball and a feather are dropped together under the conditions of outer space to demonstrate the concept that objects will fall at…

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Lagrange Points

This video by Sixty Symbols gives an in depth look at lagrange points, delving into the physics of orbiting bodies. The video outlines the five lagrange points of the Earth-Sun system. L1 is between the Earth and Sun, L2 is slightly farther from the Sun than Earth, and L3 is on the opposite side of […] Continue reading

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  Gravity is the result of massive objects (any object that has mass) curving space-time and altering the paths of other objects. More massive objects alter space-time more and thus have more gravitational pull. As you can see above, Earth warps space-time and forces the satellite to travel around it. Without Earth, the satellite would […] Continue reading

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Our Bodies on Mars

I discovered an interesting article from the magazine Wired about the importance of gravity when it comes to our bodies’ ability to function. It specifically discussed the challenges of colonizing Mars in regards to gravity. Of course before we can think about the challenges of living on Mars we would have to overcome the challenges […] Continue reading

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Blog Post #3: Defying Gravity

It always blew my mind that despite the vastness of the universe, there was a central force that centered it all.  Just thinking about how far away the sun is from the earth, but how a certain force (gravity) can still pull the two together past the distance to create an orbit and a revolution […] Continue reading

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Hip-stars Wobble Too!

So one of the things I think is cute about the universe we live in is that even in the most vastness you rarely find things alone. And these kindred stellar bodies don’t just ignore each other. Oh no, they get caught up in each other’s gravity. And it is this fun and nifty relation […] Continue reading

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Why is gravity so weak?

Gravity is a fundamental force that holds together our solar system, our galaxy, and every person to Earth. It must be pretty strong to hold something as massive as Jupiter in orbit right? Actually, compared to the three other fundamental forces, gravity is unimaginably weak. To demonstrate this, use a common refrigerator magnet to pick … Continue reading Why is gravity so weak? Continue reading

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