Tag Archives: Historical Context

Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe has recently been described as “the first competent mind in modern astronomy to feel ardently the passion for exact empirical facts” by Edwin Burtt in The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science; a Historical and Critical Essay (1925). He is the best naked-eye observer of all time, and was able to observe a supernova… More Tycho Brahe Continue reading

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Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe has recently been described as “the first competent mind in modern astronomy to feel ardently the passion for exact empirical facts” by Edwin Burtt in The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science; a Historical and Critical Essay (1925). He is the best naked-eye observer of all time, and was able to observe a supernova… More Tycho Brahe Continue reading

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Copernicus in Context

Historical Context of Nicholas Copernicus  Portrait of Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) Nicholas Copernicus  was born in the Kingdom of Poland on February 19, 1473 and died in the same area he was born on May 24, 1543. He was an extremely important and influential figure for early astronomy, and his work became the basis for a lot of […] Continue reading

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