Tag Archives: HW6

Nicholas Copernicus: Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) was the earliest of the historical figures we are studying. As the first astronomer to publish a work detailing the Sun’s centrality in our universe (rather than Earth), Copernicus’ treatise against the Christian religion was vital in understanding human … Continue reading Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Sir Isaac Newton improved on Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion by showing how the processes that determine orbital motion also determine motion of objects on Earth. He provided a strong mathematical understanding of these laws and why they worked. In 1666, the Great Fire of London was ignited, destroying as much as 80% of … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in Context Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei – 1564 – 1642 Galileo was important to astronomy because he solidified the Copernican revolution through his observations. First, he demonstrated that a moving object stays in motion unless a force acts to stop it, which disproved Aristotle’s … Continue reading Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

My Chosen Astronomer: Johannes Kepler Picture via NASA Johannes Kepler was born in 1571 and died in 1630. Historical Events During Kepler’s Life In 1580, Francis Drake completed his circumnavigation of the globe. In 1605, Cervantes’s ‘Don Quixote de la … Continue reading Continue reading

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Corner with Copernicus: Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicholas Copernicus graced world with his presence by entering the world on February 19, 1473.  Sadly, he passed away May 24, 1543.  Copernicus was a radical man who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he believed in.  Despite the prospect of being excommunicated and condemned by the church as a heretic for his revolutionary […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Tycho Brahe Born December 14, 1546; Died October 24, 1601 Brahe’s contributions to astronomy were based on observations he was able to make despite not having access to a telescope.  He was able to map put planetary motion, which helped in the development of the current model of the solar system.  He had observed a … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in Context Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context: Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler (December 27, 1571 – 15 November, 1630) was known for his incredibly influential three laws of planetary motion. When …

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicolas Copernicus (February 19, 1473 – May 24, 1543) Nicholas Copernicus was very important to modern astronomy. He was the first to publish his work and his theories of heliocentrism, and sparked a gradual shift of popular opinion from the Ptolemaic geocentric model. Historical events occurring during the life of Nicholas Copernicus: i. Christopher Columbus … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in Context Continue reading

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Thinking about History: Tycho Brahe

Life: Tycho Brahe was born 19 February (10 days from now!) 1473 and died 24 May 1543. Contributions to Astronomy: He greatly improved  astronomical measurements. As well as making very precise observations himself, he introduced methods and instruments which universally made  measurements more accurate. Also, he observed objects in the sky at various points in […] Continue reading

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Newton – Creativity in Science Exemplified

Science is more than mere observations and compilations of facts.  In fact, many have argued that it is quite creative field, and Isaac Newton’s history can testify to that.  Newton’s realization that the same forces that pulled apples to the ground were in fact the same forces that held the Moon in Earth’s orbit and … Continue reading Newton – Creativity in Science Exemplified Continue reading

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