Tag Archives: Mars

#2 – When should I plan my vacation for Mars?

Looking to explore the northern plains of Mars? Or perhaps the craters in the south? Maybe scale Olympus Mons, or visit the Curiosity Rover? If you’re intending to travel without preparing properly, chances are you’re going to freeze to death. Luckily for you, Mars experiences seasons. With just a little bit of research, we can […] Continue reading

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Reversing Mars

We’ve all at one time or another thought about how fantastic it would be to inhabit another planet and to …

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The “Mars One” Project has 200,000 Applicants

Over 200,000 people have applied for a one way trip to Mars to live out their lives. Does this say …

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Our Bodies on Mars

I discovered an interesting article from the magazine Wired about the importance of gravity when it comes to our bodies’ ability to function. It specifically discussed the challenges of colonizing Mars in regards to gravity. Of course before we can think about the challenges of living on Mars we would have to overcome the challenges […] Continue reading

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What excites me? Mars!!

Well, it’s been a great semester. I loved astronomy going into this class, and I love it even more going out. It definitely made me realize that planetary science is my favorite part of astronomy, and that’s why I’m pursuing the minor! However, I wanted to make this post about what excites me regarding the […] Continue reading

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UK Astrobiolgy Centre Searching For Life In Space

The UK atrobiology centre is seeking life outside of earth. The astrobiology field is still developing because we have not found any life forms of any kind outside of earth. But the UK centre is determined to succeed. They believe that Mars has a high probability of containing life. However, the surface of mars is […] Continue reading

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A Comet Heads For Mars

NASA has discovered that there is “small but non-negligible” chance that Comet 2013 A1 will strike Mars in October of 2014. The comet is between 1 to 3 kilometers in […] Continue reading

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A Breakthrough in Space Travel

There is currently a project underway which aims to send astronauts in a fusion powered spacecraft to Mars and cutting the travel time to just 30 days round trip. Using existing rocket fuels it would take at least 4 years to travel the same round trip and would cost more than $12 billion. Using this […] Continue reading

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Mars Suitable for Life

I know everyone is blogging about this, but how exciting is it that Mars was once suitable for life?!?  Of course, Mars will soon be on the other side of the Sun, so NASA will not be able to test … Continue reading Continue reading

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Life on Mars?

Recently, we’ve been emphasizing comparative planetology in our work.  This has prompted studies of each planet in our solar system, which made it clear that many of our questions remain unanswered.  We know that Mars had a warmer, wetter period billions of years ago, and have much evidence indicative of abundant liquid water flows in […] Continue reading

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