Tag Archives: Moon

The Earth With No Moon

This video, though it is 8 minutes, is fascinating. Its main focus is what the Earth would be like without the Moon. The most surprising thing I got from this was that humans would probably not exist because they would not be able to withstand the extreme conditions that the Earth would experience without the… Continue reading

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Under the Sea

Earlier this week, scientists at NASA announced that Saturn’s sixth-largest moon, Enceladus, has a warm ocean at its southern pole. More importantly, it has strong evidence of hydrothermal activity on the ocean floor, the first of its kind found outside of Earth. This is a huge discovery because most scientists agree that life on Earth […] Continue reading

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An Ocean on a Moon?

One of the largest satellites in the solar system is Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. Though Ganymede is classified as a moon …

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Spectacular arrangement of Mars, Venus and the Moon this week!

Check that out! Later on this coming week, it is expected that Mars, Venus, and the Moon will come so close to one another in our sky, that they will be separated by less than a single degree in the sky on February 20! While given the moon’s moves along its orbit rather fast around the […] Continue reading

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Have you ever been to a beach and wondered why at some times of the day, the ocean water reached further onto the land than at other times of the day?  You may have heard the terms ‘high tide’ and ‘low tide’. Tides are caused by the gravitational force of the sun and moon, as… Continue reading

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My favorite tides

DIFFERENTIALS!! :) During class today, I talked about tides and how there is a great deal of misinformation out there. My favorite websites for the astronomical explanation of tides are: A rigorously correct but a tiny bit snarky treatment – it’s my favorite: Tidal Misconceptions by Dr. Donald E. Simanek One of the links from […] Continue reading

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My favorite tides

DIFFERENTIALS!! :) During class today, I talked about tides and how there is a great deal of misinformation out there. My favorite websites for the astronomical explanation of tides are: A rigorously correct but a tiny bit snarky treatment – it’s my favorite: Tidal Misconceptions by Dr. Donald E. Simanek One of the links from […] Continue reading

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A Ghostly Eclispse?

This week, people have noticed that there was a very odd appearance that made the moon look different. They noticed that there was a very slim crescent moon that also shows the black silhouette of the rest of the moon. Although it does look like a eclipse, experts have weighed in and determined this phenomenon […] Continue reading

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Life on Europa?

Europa is proposed to be a top contender in the possibility of having extraterrestrial life. Under the ice, the oceans …

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Ganymede Has a Hidden Ocean, and I Think That’s So Cool

Ganymede is my personal favorite moon (sorry, Luna) because it has a hidden ocean inside of it, and I cannot get over that! I mean, sandwiched in between an external layer of icy matters and the core is an entire … Continue reading Continue reading

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