Tag Archives: NASA

0.58% vs 24%

The new NASA 2016 budget proposal of $18.53 billion was a $519 million increase from the $18.01 billion of 2015. However, despite NASA’s countless achievements and positive reputation, many people believe NASA’s budget is too high. Disregarding the significant influence that politics exerts on NASA, the main reason for public dissatisfaction towards NASA is due to … Continue reading 0.58% vs 24% Continue reading

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Messenger’s Last Legs

The MESSENGER mission, short for Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging sent up the probe in August 2004. In March 2011 it became the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury. The probe has done a lot in its years around the Solar System’s first planet including: constructing the best-ever maps of Mercury and discovering carbon-containing […] Continue reading

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New Horizons

Exploring Pluto Pluto, the small icy body at the edge of our planetary system, has been under scrutiny in scientific …

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Explore Vesta with Vesta Trek

Today, NASA released Vesta Trek, a free web-based application that provides a detailed visualization of Vesta, one of the largest asteroids in the Solar System. This was made possible by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, which studied Vesta from July 2011 to September 2012. This application includes interactive maps, the ability to print Vesta in a 3-D printer, […] Continue reading

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Earth or Mars?

This picture looks like something that could be taken on Earth, however it is not! This picture was taken by the Curiosity rover near the base of Mount Sharp. Mount Sharp, also know as Aeolis Mons, reaches a height of…

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The Vast Size and Scale of the Universe

Recently I saw this link on Facebook and I decided to check it out. I had no idea what I was in for. We have been talking about our galaxy and our nearest neighbor, The Andromeda Galaxy, a lot in class and this picture just released by NASA gives us a better idea of what exactly […] Continue reading

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NASA’s Collaborations for Commercial Space Capabilities Initiative

NASA has had a lot of success with their commercial space flight initiatives, and so is looking to branch out and extend offers to work with US private enterprises to offer more, new commercial space experiences. NASA is looking for … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Moon Rock Thief

Thad Roberts was accepted into NASA’s “Co-op” program for aspiring astronauts in 2001, where he became known as a risk-taker and rule-breaker. There are 842 pounds of moon rocks held by NASA, some of which were in Dr. Everett Gibson’s … Continue reading Continue reading

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A New Generation of US Spaceflight

A new era of spaceflight is underway in America. The Space Shuttle program was retired in 2011 and ever since, if NASA wants to send an astronaut so space, they must buy a ticket on the Russian Soyuz rocket. But this status quo of depending on another nation to carpool to space is about to … Continue reading A New Generation of US Spaceflight Continue reading

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Benfits of Astronomy on Earth

            Astronomical research does not just benefit the limited field of astronomy; rather it serves to improve many other fields of study. From the first missions into orbit to current research of interstellar travel, astronomy has benefited our standard of living here on Earth. Many people have heard that memory foam was invented by […] Continue reading

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