Tag Archives: Newton

Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton is one of the most important scientists in history. Although he lived during the late 17th century, his work has impacted the fields of mathematics, physics, and astronomy of today’s world. His notable accomplishments include the establishment of modern Physics, and the discovery of both the gravitational force and the three Universal Laws […] Continue reading

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Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton (25 December 1642-20 March 1727) was an English physicist and astronomer. He made significant contributions to the world of science by detailing the laws of motion and created the first reflecting telescope. He also further proved the heliocentric theory by using Kepler’s laws with his mathematical principles of gravity and removed the little doubt that still… Continue reading

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Sir Isaac Newton’s World

Sir Isaac Newton was born Christmas day, December 25, 1642 in the small hamlet of Woolsthorpe in the county of Lincolnshire in the English countryside. He lived a full 84 years, in which he revolutionized our fundamental understanding of the universe by discovering his Law’s of Motion, Law of Gravity, and laws of Optics; as … Continue reading Sir Isaac Newton’s World Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context: Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton (December 25, 1642 – March 20, 1727) spent some time working on gravitation and how it affects the orbits of planets. He eventually published the Principia Mathematica, which introduced Newton’s law of universal gravitation, i.e. In September 1666, when Newton was 23 and attending Trinity College, Cambridge (in England), the Great Fire of London… Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Image Source Isaac Newton was very prominent and highly respected for his work in physics and mathematics. He was born the 4th of January 1643 and died the 31st of March 1727, and is important to Astronomy for several reasons: of those reasons, arguably the most relevant is his contributions to the science through his […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton (1642-1726) was the first to accurately describe gravity and motion.  More specifically, he developed three laws of motion that identified a). objects stay in motion until acted upon; b). the relationship between Force, Mass, and Acceleration; and c). every actionary force has an equal and opposite reactionary force. The British Enlightenment took place […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642-20 March 1727) was important to astronomy for a few reasons. He helped invent calculus, which helped define calculations for the movements of planets and different formulas, as well as being the first to discover the law of gravity. This was pretty important to astronomy, as it explains why planets […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Issac Newton (December 25, 1642 – March 20, 1726) Newton’s theory of gravitation explained why celestial bodies orbited other objects and named the force of gravity as the force responsible […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Sir Isaac Newton was an important figure in the history of astronomy because he came up with the theory of gravity.  By understanding the physics of gravity here on Earth, scientists now understand many of the laws that govern the … Continue reading Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton (1/4/1643 – 3/31/1727) Isaac Newton Bio 1)   During Newtons lifetime In 1648, the treaty of Westphalia was signed. This treaty ended the thirty years war which took place in Germany. In 1701, The UK of Great Britain was formed. This was when England, Scotland, and Wales all entered the Parliamentary Act of Union. […] Continue reading

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