Tag Archives: solstice

Human’s Fascination of the Solstices

If there was one thing that early humans revered most, it may have been the position of the Sun.  Ancient cultures around the world, before the first cities ever existed, built monuments to measure the Sun’s position (known as archaeoastronomy).  The most famous of which is Stonehenge in England, which has its entrances aligned to […] Continue reading

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Precession and its Effects (And Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid)

Axial precession is the gradual wobble that alters the orientation of Earth’s axis in space. Historically, discovery of this phenomenon was attributed to Greek astronomer Hipparchus. The axis traces out the path of a cone over a 26,000 year cycle. When I first read about this concept, I imagined Earth becoming like Westeros and experiencing […] Continue reading

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Blog Post #2: Solstices and Equinoxes

As in the olden days, the sun was used to measure and chart the passing of time.  The sun is the life-source for all living things here on earth and is a vital part of the ecosystem.  The fact that the length, intensity, and the spot of the sun’s glow on earth determines the seasons, […] Continue reading

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