Tag Archives: space

~Gravitational Waves~

Gravitational waves!! Only recently detected even indirectly, they offer some evidence to support Einstein’s theory of relativity from the early twentieth century. The theory states that dense, heavy objects (like Earth, for example) distort space-time in the same way a marble would bend a normally flat stretch of fabric. When two extremely dense objects (such … Continue reading ~Gravitational Waves~ Continue reading

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Gravitational Waves and Extra Dimensions

The existence of dimensions beyond the three spatial and one temporal we experientially inhabit in our current model of spacetime has been a longstanding discussion touched on by various physicists and the scientific community. It has been suggested that gravity would propagate throughout these other dimensions, a thought brought about in attempts to somewhat unify … Continue reading Gravitational Waves and Extra Dimensions Continue reading

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The Fate of the Universe

The Universe may have begun in the widely accepted theory of the Big Bang. As a simple summary, the Universe began as an infinitely small, infinitely dense singularity which has since inflated for 13.8 billion years into the Universe we know today. No single theory, however has claimed the most likely outcome for how the Universe … Continue reading The Fate of the Universe Continue reading

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Time Travel

Anything that has mass can bend the “four dimensional fabric” of space-time. This bending in space, known as gravity, causes objects to move in a non-linear fashion through space. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity can bend time. By this theory, time moves faster or slower depending on your speed relative to something else–if … Continue reading Time Travel Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was a German mathematician and astronomer who established the laws of planetary motion. He worked as Tycho Brahe’s apprentice. Although the two had a strained relationship, Kepler’s ability to find mathematical relationships among data proved the perfect complement to Brahe’s unparalleled observation skills. Through his work with Brahe’s observations, Kepler founded the … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in Context Continue reading

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Space is Faster than Light (Blog 1)

One facet of the universe that always left a bad taste in my mouth was the ostensible “speed limit” set by the speed of light (around 300,000 km/s). If the Universe is so vast, why is there a limit set by something that, for all we know, is not what makes up the Universe? I … Continue reading Space is Faster than Light (Blog 1) Continue reading

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From the Space Bar to Space Exploration: Information, References, and Resources So That You Can Boldly Go

If you read the title, then you probably understand what is going to be included in this post. Just to clarify however, what you should expect is a bunch of interesting and hopefully useful resources in various formats (apps, software, sites, news outlets, etc) if you want to continue exploring the ‘verse outside of this… Continue reading From the Space Bar to Space Exploration: Information, References, and Resources So That You Can Boldly Go Continue reading

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X-Ray Burst Baffles Scientists

In 2014, NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory spotted a large, sudden flash, producing the deepest x-ray image ever. Today, this flash still baffles scientists who are attempting to understand its origin. It was given the name CDF-S XT1 and was spotted in an area of the sky known as the Chandra Deep Field South. When the […] Continue reading

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Exploration of Pluto and the Worlds Beyond by New Horizons

The New Horizons spacecraft launched from Earth in 2006 with the goal of reaching Pluto is set to break records of how far human-made machines can travel. It achieved its first goal of reaching Pluto in July of 2015 and is the only spacecraft in history to do so. Last month, NASA released this incredible image of […] Continue reading

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Exploration of Pluto and the Worlds Beyond by New Horizons

The New Horizons spacecraft launched from Earth in 2006 with the goal of reaching Pluto is set to break records of how far human-made machines can travel. It achieved its first goal of reaching Pluto in July of 2015 and is the only spacecraft in history to do so. Last month, NASA released this incredible image of […] Continue reading

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