Tag Archives: stonehenge

Human’s Fascination of the Solstices

If there was one thing that early humans revered most, it may have been the position of the Sun.  Ancient cultures around the world, before the first cities ever existed, built monuments to measure the Sun’s position (known as archaeoastronomy).  The most famous of which is Stonehenge in England, which has its entrances aligned to […] Continue reading

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Stonehenge: A Place of Death

Stonehenge, found in England’s Salisbury plain, is thought by many to be a calendar of sorts that tracked the movement of the Sun. But through my research I found out a few things about Stonehenge that would surprise anyone. First of all, Stonehenge took 3 million man hours to create and was built over the… Continue reading

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The Mystery of Stonehenge

The mysterious, striking structure of Stonehenge has fascinated archeologists, historians, and many people alike ever since its discovery. There are a multitude of theories as to what its purpose might have been, such as an astronomical observatory, a religious/spiritual site, and some even believe that it was placed on Earth by extraterrestrials. Many archeoastronomers believe… Continue reading The Mystery of Stonehenge Continue reading

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The Astronomical Origins of Stonehenge

Above is a photo of Stonehenge I took when I visited England the summer after freshman year of high school. I was so amazed by this structure. I wondered why it was built and what was its purpose. I did not know at the time, but many believe Stonehenge has connections to ancient astronomy. Archaeoastronomers are […] Continue reading

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Stonehenge and the Summer Solstice

Everyone is familiar with the famous landmark Stonehenge located in Wiltshire, England. The first construction on Stonehenge was start about 5,000 years ago. We are still not sure what the original purpose of Stonehenge is but people have speculated that…

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Archeoastronomy and Stonehenge

Archeoastronomy is not as the name at first implies a study of ancient astronomy, but rather the study of how astronomy affected early civilizations. In a sense, it is a combination of astronomy, anthropology, and history with respect to ancient cultures. Archeoastronomers look at a variety of types of evidence in their efforts to determine […] Continue reading

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