Tag Archives: telescope

The Hubble Telescopes

(Photo by NASA) Since it first introduction, telescopes have served mankind a vast deals of researches experiences and discoveries of planets, moons and other intergalactic contents. As we all know telescopes help us to see stars beyond our naked eyes. It becomes a defense mechanism to predict the fall of asteroids or predict movements of celestial […] Continue reading

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The Hubble telescope, which has been orbiting Earth for over 25 years, views the universe with a completely different perspective than what we can see on Earth. While the telescope is not necessarily responsible for amazing images like this one, it can be given credit for other just as powerful views of the universe. Its… Continue reading

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MUSE Telescope

The Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) telescope is one of the newest telescopes that allows us to get 3D views of the universe. MUSE is installed on the European Southern Obserbatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. It took over a decade to design and develop it but finally went online in March of 2014 and captured… More MUSE Telescope Continue reading

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image source Throughout human history, the invention and improvement of telescope occupied an indispensable place in the advancement of astronomy. And this blog is devoted to introducing  the history of telescope in last four hundred years. The earliest known workingtelescopewas created by Hans Lippersheyin 1608 to “see things far away as if they are nearby”. […] Continue reading

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Blog #3 James Webb Space Telescope

The flagship of the next generation telescopes launches in October 2018. The James Webb Space Telescope is an infrared telescope with its focus on the very first light from the Big Bang. With its 6.5 meter primary mirror and various cameras and spectrometers, the JWST will study the boundaries of the observable universe as well […] Continue reading

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The Hubble Space Telescope

Until this past September when LIGO heard gravitational waves, our knowledge of the universe has come from visual observations. When Galileo began using his telescope in the early 1600s, our notion of the natural world completely evolved. Today, we have telescopes whose … Continue reading Continue reading

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Blog #2 Observation

Much of what has been covered in class so far has been from the perspective of an observer on Earth. We know that light pollution from cities makes it difficult to see starlight with the naked eye. With that in mind, observatories tend to be far away from city limits. Additionally, they tend to be […] Continue reading

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Telescopes and Technology

Pictured above is an artists rendition of the James Webb telescope, a feat of modern technology that is to become the successor to the famous Hubble Telescope currently in orbit. While the Hubble was designed to observe relatively close astronomical phenomena, the JWST will be able to see much further. While at first this fact […] Continue reading

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30-Meter Telescope-What does that even mean?

When I first heard the term 30-meter telescope I was quite confused. Did this mean that the telescope is 30 meters long? Does this mean that the telescope is powerful? Based on the size of the telescope in the image above it is clear that the telescope is powerful. The 30-meters refers to the length […] Continue reading

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Telescopes and Turbulence

    There are many problems that earth-based telescopes must cope with. Besides light pollution, the largest one is dealing …

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