Tag Archives: Time

The Fermi Paradox

The basis of the Fermi Paradox is that the probability of another intelligent civilization existing in the universe is so high considering the number of stars and the fact that each star has on average one planet, but this means that the probability of us finding evidence for such is also so high. The Drake … Continue reading The Fermi Paradox Continue reading

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Primordial Stars and Dark Matter

A little over a month ago, astronomers in Western Australia detected the signals of stars that formed within the earliest epoch of the Universe. This discovery marks the detection of the oldest signals ever to be received, and with it, evidence for the presence of dark matter at a time when the lights of the … Continue reading Primordial Stars and Dark Matter Continue reading

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Halley’s Comet

  Halley’s Comet is named after the English astronomer Edmond Halley who first believed that there were three separate comets during the years from 1531 to 1682. He then discovered that all three of these appearances were the same comet. Edmond was the first to prove that comets could orbit the sun. It travels around … Continue reading Halley’s Comet Continue reading

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Blog Post 4

Image from Environment Blog It is important to understand that Climate Change is something that normally happens to planets. Earth will be around for a while. It does not matter if it goes through climate change; the Earth will remain. It is the humans and animals who will die off if the planet warms immensely. … Continue reading Blog Post 4 Continue reading

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Gravitational Waves and Extra Dimensions

The existence of dimensions beyond the three spatial and one temporal we experientially inhabit in our current model of spacetime has been a longstanding discussion touched on by various physicists and the scientific community. It has been suggested that gravity would propagate throughout these other dimensions, a thought brought about in attempts to somewhat unify … Continue reading Gravitational Waves and Extra Dimensions Continue reading

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The Fate of the Universe

The Universe may have begun in the widely accepted theory of the Big Bang. As a simple summary, the Universe began as an infinitely small, infinitely dense singularity which has since inflated for 13.8 billion years into the Universe we know today. No single theory, however has claimed the most likely outcome for how the Universe … Continue reading The Fate of the Universe Continue reading

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The Odds of Finding Life Outside of Earth

While we assume that there is no life on other planets in our solar system, the probability that there is life somewhere out there seems pretty high. It is a difficult question because we know how special earth is. It is the perfect distance away from the sun for life to form. If the Earth’s … Continue reading The Odds of Finding Life Outside of Earth Continue reading

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Why Christopher Nolan’s tidal representation in Interstellar makes a terrifying sort of sense.

Note: Spoiler alert for those that haven’t seen the movie!     Within the Interstellar universe, there exists an enormous black hole in a distant galaxy, named Gargantua by the movie’s characters. Around this black hole orbits several different planets, and the characters are hoping to explore and learn more about them. One of these […] Continue reading

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Why Christopher Nolan’s tidal representation in Interstellar makes a terrifying sort of sense.

Note: Spoiler alert for those that haven’t seen the movie!     Within the Interstellar universe, there exists an enormous black hole in a distant galaxy, named Gargantua by the movie’s characters. Around this black hole orbits several different planets, and the characters are hoping to explore and learn more about them. One of these […] Continue reading

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GMT: What else is out there?

This telescope, the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is currently in the process of being built. It is a refractory telescope with 7 separate mirrors that each have a diameter of 8.4 meters. This telescope is going to be incredibly large. In fact, it is going to be the largest optical telescope to be built. According … Continue reading GMT: What else is out there? Continue reading

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