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Tides: The Next Big Thing

When we speak of renewable energy sources, solar power often dominates the conversation. Our sun is the brightest point in our observable sky. It’s the largest object in the solar system. It’s the source of life on Earth. It’s easy to forget about the second brightest, 400 times smaller (diameter-wise) source of tides. Although it … Continue reading Tides: The Next Big Thing Continue reading

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The Fate of the Universe

The Universe may have begun in the widely accepted theory of the Big Bang. As a simple summary, the Universe began as an infinitely small, infinitely dense singularity which has since inflated for 13.8 billion years into the Universe we know today. No single theory, however has claimed the most likely outcome for how the Universe … Continue reading The Fate of the Universe Continue reading

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Time Travel

Anything that has mass can bend the “four dimensional fabric” of space-time. This bending in space, known as gravity, causes objects to move in a non-linear fashion through space. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity can bend time. By this theory, time moves faster or slower depending on your speed relative to something else–if … Continue reading Time Travel Continue reading

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Gravity is a fascinating phenomenon of physics that is integral to understanding the universe.  Gravity keeps Earth in orbit around the sun, and the Moon in orbit around Earth.  Any object that has mass, also has gravity. Moreover, the gravitational force between two objects is caused by two factors: mass and distance.  The gravitational force … Continue reading Gravity Continue reading

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Gravity is a fascinating phenomenon of physics that is integral to understanding the universe.  Gravity keeps Earth in orbit around the sun, and the Moon in orbit around Earth.  Any object that has mass, also has gravity. Moreover, the gravitational force between two objects is caused by two factors: mass and distance.  The gravitational force … Continue reading Gravity Continue reading

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All the Light We Cannot See

Could I really claim to be interested in astronomy whatsoever if I didn’t express my overwhelming fascination with dark matter? Seriously though, I get the feeling that most people without a solid background in astronomy don’t grasp how much of a real phenomenon dark matter is. The name itself sounds like something made up from […] Continue reading

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The Life of Low Mass Stars

Birth of Star S106 IR Birth: Emerging from a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula, a star forms when gravity pulls hydrogen gas from the nebula together and spins it around at such a fast rate that it heats up. This creates what is known as a “protostar”. Once the soon-to-be star’s temperature … Continue reading The Life of Low Mass Stars Continue reading

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The Life of Low Mass Stars

Birth of Star S106 IR Birth: Emerging from a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula, a star forms when gravity pulls hydrogen gas from the nebula together and spins it around at such a fast rate that it heats up. This creates what is known as a “protostar”. Once the soon-to-be star’s temperature … Continue reading The Life of Low Mass Stars Continue reading

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Tide Pods

  “Tide’s in, dirt’s out- Tide washing power” While Tide may be great for washing your clothes and getting rid of those tough stains, tides are also a great source of renewable energy. Tides produce tidal energy through the surge of ocean waters caused by their constant rise and fall. Tidal energy was first harnessed […] Continue reading

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Ideal Spring Break Vacay Spots

  Looking for a cool vacation spot this spring break of summer? Are Rome, Sydney, and Beijing too tame for your taste? Why not take a trip to outer space? Companies are currently offering this once in a lifetime trip at the low price of $75,000 for four whole hours in space.   Why is […] Continue reading

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