Tag Archives: Uncategorized

No Mars After All?

Humans have long dreamt to venture to Mars, and NASA fueled those dreams, especially in recent years. With the Space … More Continue reading

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Blog 8: What If You Fell In A Blackhole?

In a black hole, spacetime is curved infinitely. Light cannot escape. Black holes have fascinated mankind for years, but what would happen if you actually reached the event horizon? What would happen if you fell into a black hole? It’s likely you would be pulverized by other objects, burn via light radiation, experience spaghettification, or … Continue reading Blog 8: What If You Fell In A Blackhole? Continue reading

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Blog 7: Wait But Why

Where is everybody? That is essentially the question asked in the Fermi Paradox. Compared to Earth and our solar system, the universe is extremely vast and extremely old. Surely there must be intelligent life somewhere within the depths of the unexplored universe? The Drake Equation (written as N = R* • fp • ne • fl • fi • fc • … Continue reading Blog 7: Wait But Why Continue reading

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Upcoming Solar Eclipse

As some of you may know, there is an upcoming Total Solar Eclipse that will be visible in Nashville, TN! The last total solar eclipse visible from the United States was back in 1998, so it’s been a while, but it’s finally back! On August 21st, the eclipse will be visible at 1:27 PM local […] Continue reading

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Drake Equation

You may have heard of the Drake equation before, and you may have heard that it can “predict” the number of aliens we may one day face (or fight?). Well, you’re not too far off. The Drake equation allows astronomers and scientists to estimate the number of civilizations that exist in the deep vast space […] Continue reading

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Blog 8: Possible Picture of a Black Hole

Scientist have tried to take a picture of a black hole by creating a massive telescope. This telescope used radio wave based telescopes connected all over the world to create an earth sized telescope which may have the power to actually take a picture of a black hole. While this picture will not truly be […] Continue reading

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Blog 7: Last Universal Common Ancestor

The Last Universal Common Ancestor, LUCA, was a microbe that live around 4 billion years ago. It is believed that it is anaerobic and autotrophic, not breathing and making its own food. There is also evidence it live near iron-sulfur rich hydrothermal bents deep underground. it would have possessed a metabolism dependent upon hydrogen, carbon […] Continue reading

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Alien Life on Europa?!

A huge plume of water vapor has again been spotted emanating from Europa, Jupiter’s icy moon, boosting scientists’ confidence that the phenomenon is real. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope detected a 62-mile-high (100 kilometers) candidate plume near Europa’s equator in February 2016, researchers and agency officials announced today (April 13) – SPACE NASA and the ESA are planning […] Continue reading

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Blog #8: Extremophiles – Exposure in Space

  There are many extremophiles on Earth, some that roam the Sahara Desert and come out only for the hottest parts of the day and some that scale the coldest parts of the arctic. Extremophiles are an interesting phenomenon with applications to discovery of other life in the universe. If these organisms can survive in […] Continue reading

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Casscenery (The Cassini Photos of Saturn)

As the 20 year long Cassini mission comes to an end, no one wants to miss the exciting events of the last 4.5 months. Cassini is slated to crash into the surface of Saturn on September 15th this year, but not before Cassini swoops progressively lower to the gas giant, giving scientists unprecedentedly close images … Continue reading Casscenery (The Cassini Photos of Saturn) Continue reading

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