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VADL Rocket

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Introduction to Me

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A Piece of Me

Just a simple picture of me that I took. I’m not much of a selfie taker. Continue reading

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The Dual Nature of Light

One thing that has always fascinated me about light is that is that it has both wave-like properties and particle-like properties. Intuitively, light seems like a wave, and Young’s double slit experiment – which can and has been recreated easily in freshman physics labs – seems to show “definitively” that it is a wave. But […] Continue reading

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The Search for Habitable Exoplanets

Earlier this month, the Kepler space telescope spotted three planets of Earth-like size orbiting in a nearby star’s “habitable zone,” or the area around the star in which water could exist in liquid form on a planet’s surface. However, the planets they found, along with the other 26 Earth-like exoplanets found thus far, do not […] Continue reading

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The Scale of the Universe

(Source) After watching the Powers of Ten video and viewing the interactive Scale of the Universe website, it seems to me that Earth is like a speck of dust floating among countless others. In fact, the Powers of Ten video expands our perspective to 100 million light years into the emptiness of space where galaxies […] Continue reading

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So What’s the Big Deal?

The Milky Way Galaxy So, I’ve spent 4 months learning about the solar system and how everything works so perfectly together. When I started astronomy it was just because I needed a technical elective; however, it gave me a lot of perspective. Our world is in the perfect placement in a 100,000 light-year galaxy to… Continue reading

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The Future of Space Exploration

One of the most interesting perspectives that Astronomy 201 has given me on space exploration is the role that funding plays. While in the past much of the money needed to fuel new discoveries came from government grants, budget cuts and restructurings have left astronomers with less and less funding from this outlet. The future […] Continue reading

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What’s in store for the future?

The field of astronomy is fascinating; there is much that we have yet to learn. This semester in Astro 201 …

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The Solar System is in us

The solar system is an amazing place filled with a vast spectrum of unique objects, and the most notable of them all is us. We and everything else in the solar system are comprised of the same materials that came from the same place, but only we have grown and developed to appreciate that fact. […] Continue reading

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