Tag Archives: venus

The Geology of Mars

My previous blog discussed the geology of Venus, so this week I thought it would be fun to research the geology and makeup of Mars! Mars and Earth have more similarities than you would think. Having a similar axis tilt, a day just slightly longer than 24 hours, similar land areas because of Earth’s oceans,Continue reading “The Geology of Mars” Continue reading

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The Geology of Venus: Earth’s “Sister Planet” (Post 3)

Even though Venus is not the planet closest to the Sun, it is still the hottest planet in our solar system. This is because the planet’s dense atmosphere, which is composed of thick clouds of carbon dioxide and other gases, prevents heat from the Sun from being released into outer space. We are lucky toContinue reading “The Geology of Venus: Earth’s “Sister Planet” (Post 3)” Continue reading

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Why We Opted for Mars, not Venus

For years, the idea of colonizing another planet has fascinated the world (and with our climate crisis, become a very topical issue). After the moon, there are two obvious options, Mars and Venus. Obviously, we have directed our efforts towards Mars, but why not Venus? Venus is more comparable to the Earth in size andContinue reading “Why We Opted for Mars, not Venus” Continue reading

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Second Planet to the Sun

The planet Venus is named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty. It is the second largest terrestrial planet. It is also the second brightest natural object in the sky. Venus’ apparent magnitude of -3.8 to -4.6 makes it visible on a clear day. Venus’ atmosphere can be divided into two layers: the cloud … Continue reading Second Planet to the Sun Continue reading

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The Atmosphere of Venus

Venus’s atmosphere is very, very dense. It is composed of about 96% carbon dioxide, 3.5% nitrogen, and trace amounts of other gases, including sulfur dioxide. Although Earth’s atmosphere is composed of over 75% nitrogen, Venus’s atmosphere is so dense that the 3.5% of its atmosphere that is composed of nitrogen has around 4 times the … Continue reading The Atmosphere of Venus Continue reading

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Gravity Waves

Venus is the unfortunate victim of a runaway greenhouse effect. Not only does this make the planet uninhabitable, it also causes a tremendous degree of difficulty in observing the planet’s surface. However, there are many interesting things to gain from Venus by just looking at the atmosphere, including a massive gravity wave. Gravity waves in … Continue reading Gravity Waves Continue reading

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Venera, or the Soviets’ many attempts to reach Venus

Despite being the sister planet of Earth, Venus is far from hospitable. Very far. Its atmospheric pressure at the surface is 92 times that of Earth’s, has an average surface temperature of 863 degrees Fahrenheit, and at higher latitudes sulphuric acid rains onto the surface. So what better force could there be to attempt to … Continue reading Venera, or the Soviets’ many attempts to reach Venus Continue reading

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Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus

    “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” was a phrase I heard a lot when younger. It was meant to describe how men and women sometimes have such big differences that it is like we come from different planets. I never really thought too much about the expression when I was younger, … Continue reading Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus Continue reading

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Climate Change from the Perspective of Astronomy: Venus and the Earth

Today we hear about climate change pretty often. Whether it’s politicians debating on policy or the “please recycle” signs on the backs of plastic products, the reality of pollution and the other bad ways humans have influenced the environment is hard to ignore. CO2 emissions  and the greenhouse effect are common themes in this topic, […] Continue reading

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Venus – Is it Habitable?

When you think about humans moving to other planets, your train of thought probably leads you to think about Mars. Sending spacecrafts to Mars, talks of terraforming Mars, the works. But another planet that has been a subject of many science fiction stories is none other than Earth’s sister planet: Venus. Venus’ surface is hostile. […] Continue reading

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