Tag Archives: venus

Venus – Is it Habitable?

When you think about humans moving to other planets, your train of thought probably leads you to think about Mars. Sending spacecrafts to Mars, talks of terraforming Mars, the works. But another planet that has been a subject of many science fiction stories is none other than Earth’s sister planet: Venus. Venus’ surface is hostile. […] Continue reading

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Volcanism on Venus

What Volcanism on Venus looks like- Image Source Venus has hardly any wind erosion because of its slow rotation, and no water erosion because there is no liquid water on Venus. Therefore, the biggest changes in the surface of Venus are a result of volcanism. Venus has a vast array of volcanoes covering its’ surface; … Continue reading Volcanism on Venus Continue reading

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Crown-Like Structures on Venus

A new study may explain these strange looking ring patterns on Venus’s surface. These geological markers are called coronae and occur when plumes of hot molten rock rise up and disturb the cooler material above it. The rigid surface is then cracked and molten rock can flow through cracks as magma. Scientists did tests in… Continue reading Crown-Like Structures on Venus Continue reading

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The Shape of The Terrestrial Planets

Here upon Earth, it is known that the planet’s surface is constantly changing, due to weather, tectonic movements, erosion by water, wind, flora, fauna, etc., and various other natural phenomena. These forces cause geographic features such as mountains, valleys, and other characteristics of Earth’s surface. Although the terrestrial planets all share various characteristics, the other… Continue reading The Shape of The Terrestrial Planets Continue reading

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Ballooning on Venus

After their launch in 1984, the identical spacecraft Vega 1 and Vega 2 launched from a Russian Proton Rocket for their double mission of flying through the tail of Halley’s Comet and landing scientific payloads on the surface of Venus. In addition to a regular parachuted lander, the Vega spacecraft each carried a 22-kilogram balloon … Continue reading Ballooning on Venus Continue reading

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Blog #4: The Atmosphere of Venus

Out of all of planets, the one with the highest surface temperature is Venus clocking in at an average of 864 degrees F1. Despite being millions of miles further from the sun than Mercury, Venus still handily beats out Mercury who “only” averages 800 degrees. You probably already know why this is so, but this … Continue reading Blog #4: The Atmosphere of Venus Continue reading

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Terraforming Venus: An Alternative Look At Terraforming

After exploring terraforming on Mars and finding a good amount of information on Venus in the process, I thought it would be interesting to explore the prospects of terraforming Venus in the hopes of one day making it habitable. As I mentioned in my previous blog, Carl Sagan published an article in 1961 advocating for […] Continue reading

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Terraforming Venus: An Alternative Look At Terraforming

After exploring terraforming on Mars and finding a good amount of information on Venus in the process, I thought it would be interesting to explore the prospects of terraforming Venus in the hopes of one day making it habitable. As I mentioned in my previous blog, Carl Sagan published an article in 1961 advocating for […] Continue reading

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A Vacation on Venus?

I was recently reading a book in which humanity had terraformed all of the Terrestrial planets (and also some gas giant moons) in the solar system, and it got me thinking: could humanity ever actually terraform a planet. And if so, which planet? After researching this question, Venus seems the most likely candidate for a […] Continue reading

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Venus’s Atmosphere

Venus is of a similar size to Earth, but has an incredibly different climate. The main reason for this is Venus’s atmosphere, which is extremely different from Earth’s. Venus’s atmosphere is made up almost entirely of Carbon Dioxide, and has barely any Oxygen. Because of this, Venus has a much greater greenhouse effect than Earth, […] Continue reading

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