Tag Archives: venus

Volcanoes on Venus

Venus is around the same size as Earth, and therefore has a similar interior makeup.  Earth has volcanoes and they are still erupting today.  On Venus, there are signs of volcanoes but a space probe has never seen a volcano erupt on the surface.  By measuring infrared levels on the surface, we can tell that […] Continue reading

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Venus is a unique planet among the terrestrial worlds and possesses  many features that make it an interesting planet to study.  Often called a sister planet of Earth because of the two planet’s similar sizes and compositions, Venus is, in some ways, a very different planet from Earth.  To start, Venus is completely inhospitable to life, with […] Continue reading

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Go outside on March 12 and 13!!

Right when we come back from Spring Break, we will be able to see a planetary conjunction!  You will be able to see Jupiter and Venus be within three degrees of each other and that’s an especially close separation and will be especially brilliant due to the biology of your eyeball – they will be […] Continue reading

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