Tag Archives: warpdrive

Traveling at the Speed of Light

Traveling at the speed of light is entirely impossible in this present day and age, and the question of whether or not we will be able to travel at such a high speed or faster is still unanswerable. The speed of light sets the speed limit for the universe, so that should mean that light… Continue reading

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Has NASA Discovered the SECRET to Interstellar Travel?

The following quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson captures the importance of discovering new technologies that will aid us in interstellar travel: “Routine travel among the stars is impossible without new discoveries regarding the fabric of space and time, or capability to manipulate it for our needs. By my read, the idea of a functioning warp […] Continue reading

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Traveling Faster Than The Speed of Light

Can you possibly travel at a speed faster than the speed of light? Scientists think it might be possible even without violating Einstein’s theory that the speed of light is the “galactic speed limit.” Some theoretical models show that in the early stages of the universe, right after the Big Bang, space expanded at a […] Continue reading

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