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Curriculum-Based Measurement Case Study Part Three

Criterion-Based Measurement Case Study Part Three Title Image

Now that Miss Erickson and Mrs. Franks have used the decision rules to identify what CBM probe and how often they will progress monitor their students, they are ready for the next step.  They will now determine the rate of weekly growth for the students based off their CBM probe.


Let’s see how Miss Erickson and Mrs. Franks monitor their students progress using CBM. 

Miss Erickson and Mrs. Franks have decided that each week, they will graph the students’ scores to see how the students are doing, if growth is happening, and if their instruction is impacting student performance.  Based off information from both their progress monitoring program and information received in training, Miss Erickson and Mrs. Franks make the following decisions for rate of growth.



Rate of Weekly Improvement:

2nd Grade ORF

1.5 words per week

1st Grade ORF

2.5 words per week


1.5 words per week


They have set the rate of weekly progress to be ambitious but not so far that the students will not be able to reach the goal.

Now that they have selected the benchmarks they will be administering and what the weekly rate of improvement, Miss Erickson and Mrs. Franks will make some decisions rules based on student performance and their instruction.  They want to be able to make instructional adaptations that will impact student growth.

They will make decisions based off the students scores on their respected benchmarks.  They want to make sure that the students have enough data points to make a decision, but not too much time passes between each if an instructional change is made.

Even thought the students are receiving different instruction, they will have an aim line that will inform their teachers of how they are doing.

Here is what they decide:



Decision Rule:

2nd Grade ORF

4 points below the aim line

1st Grade ORF

3 points below the aim line


3 points below the aim line



Now that Miss Erickson and Mrs. Franks have determined the rate of weekly progress for each CBM probe and come up with their decision rules, let’s see how they apply both. 

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Hosp, M. K., Hosp, J. L., & Howell, K. W. (2007). The Guilford practical intervention in the schools series. The ABCs of CBM: A practical guide to curriculum-based measurement. New York, NY: Guilford Press.